The One Ring

"Shadow of the Dog Lord RPG is nearly done..."
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Author:  CaptainOfTheWolfRiders [ Fri May 11, 2007 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  "Shadow of the Dog Lord RPG is nearly done..." he passes out from shear exhaustition!

Well, hopefully the title says it all. The Shadow of the Dog Lord Role Playing Game: Player's Handbook is ALMOST DONE!!!!!!!

It has been an exhausting eigth months work in progress, but it is so near to completion, I can almost taste it. The Classes need to be finished, the Weapons and Equipment must be finished, and the spells drafted, but other than writing those last bits and drawing art, it is done!

Argh! It is so close, I'm pulling my hair out! But, it's a good pulling ym hair out. The book will be hardcover, hand sewn and assembled, about 120-160 pages long. No GM section and a minimal amount of creatures and other enemies. The GM section unfortunately was disbanded after I lost about 20 pages of it off my flash drive. Additional rules and the like will either be put up on a website or in a magazine which I may print and mail free of charge (that's customer service!).

Thank's for putting up with this first bit, but please note, it's not over. The Player's Handbook is only the beginning. The War Lords and Shadow of the Dog Lord Modern expansions will follow as soon as they can be drafted and finished, so players can expect to be on their toes. Hopefully I can negotiate a miniature sculptor's contract with a local hobbyist tomorrow, so some figures will be on the way too.

Again, thank's for all of your support. Several of you One Ringers (Dagorlad, for allowing me to post this stuff in the first place, and Bolg for getting forum space in particular) have been extremely helpful in this endeavor and deserve some coins! This has meant a lot to me, and I appreciate it a great deal.


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