The One Ring

Gandalf the Gray on Shadowfax
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Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Mon May 02, 2011 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Gandalf the Gray on Shadowfax

So…I had a dilemma. I like Gandalf the Gray in both SBG and WotR. I don’t use him exclusively as Saruman the White and Radagast are each alternatives that I’ve used in Good armies many times as well, but especially in WotR I’ve been fielding Gandalf a lot. As I’m building my Rohan force I really want to use him there as well, but here’s the issue. The only mounted version GW makes of Gandalf the Gray is pretty static (horse just standing, Gandalf looking around) and wouldn’t look good in a formation of charging Rohan models. Additionally, it only comes as a blister with a foot version and I already own a couple poses of him on foot, including this one. As with a lot of players I’m on a hobby budget and hate to spend money on a blister for one model I’m not really interested in while I’d rather add a couple more Royal Knights to my army for the same cost. I got a mounted Gandalf the White from a friend’s backlog, but have not yet painted it up. I don’t play Gandalf the White very often (never have yet, to be honest :oops: ) as I don’t think he’s worth the extra points in most games. Maybe when I get to 2000 points, but I’m not there yet. But I like the pose. Very dynamic. So I was going to paint him up White and just proxy him for his earlier incarnation when I had a little revelation.

I had a plastic Gandalf from the MoM set when I first got into the hobby a few years ago. I had base coated him but never did anything more as I got a nice metal one early on. The outfits are close enough, so I figured I’d give a conversion a try.


I initially only intended to work on the staff and give him a pouch at his side from GS. So I snipped the ends of both staves, trimmed a notch in each for some more surface area and glued them together. I added some basic texture to the metal staff with GS (his original staff was a much rougher wood), made a little pouch and strap and was going to be done with it. My wife took a look, said it was nice but asked where was his hat. I love her. 8) Though she doesn’t play she’s very supportive, artistic herself, likes the films (“Can we just skip the battles though” :roll: ) and really likes the character of Gandalf. I told her that since he's charging he probably lost his she’s asking if there are any scenes of him "Gray" without his hat except when he’s in Moria. Well…she’s right. Even when he’s speeding to Minas Tirith and Isengard in Fellowship he has his hat on. So back to the plastic donor, I sniped off his hat (effectively decapitated him) and started flattening it and hallowing it out as best as I could. I needed to take the knife to the metal Gandalf as well to bring his head down a bit to get the hat to fit at the level he usually wears it.



I was pretty happy with the results considering I only classify myself as an average converter. After basecoating him yesterday I think he looks even better. It will probably be a week or two before I start painting him. Though I have a nice Gandalf scheme I like I have never painted a white horse before so I want to do one for a RoR first as a test. I’ll try to get another few pics up here when that time comes.

Author:  Cyndra the Grey [ Mon May 02, 2011 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gandalf the Gray on Shadowfax

Looks great to me 8) Things always look better when they are painted however. I think the GW version is static because GtG was supposed to be calm and GtW was more extrovert and angry in combat.
But I like him a lot.

Cyndra the Grey

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Mon May 02, 2011 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gandalf the Gray on Shadowfax

Cyndra the Grey wrote:
I think the GW version is static because GtG was supposed to be calm and GtW was more extrovert and angry in combat.

Tell that to the Balrog. 8)

Author:  Cyndra the Grey [ Mon May 02, 2011 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gandalf the Gray on Shadowfax

Beowulf03809 wrote:
Cyndra the Grey wrote:
I think the GW version is static because GtG was supposed to be calm and GtW was more extrovert and angry in combat.

Tell that to the Balrog. 8)

Haha true true, :P But that's what happens when old men have to run :lol:

Author:  theavenger001 [ Mon May 02, 2011 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gandalf the Gray on Shadowfax

Lovely conversion, I can't wait to see it painted up.

Author:  garmenhord [ Wed May 04, 2011 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gandalf the Gray on Shadowfax

indeed a very nice conversion :)

Author:  Eaothen-the-brave [ Sun May 08, 2011 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gandalf the Gray on Shadowfax

He looks great Beowulf, can't wait to see it painted! The first picture looked a little odd to me, the way he was holding his staff, but at the 2nd picture wich is taken from above, he looks great, it really shows off nicely the way you converted him! Great job! :D

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