The One Ring

xenton miniatures WIP
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Author:  xenton [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  xenton miniatures WIP

Hi guys
I think it’s time I post some content on this renewed site.

Some time ago a friend give me a pile of miniatures (stuff’t in a plastic bag) that looked ready to throw away.
I set my self a goal to rescue as much as possible, and paint them up to tabletop standard quality.
Soaked them for three days in Denethol (yes they were very badly painted en flocked), and begun to paint them.

As a side note, I never painted miniatures before.

Minas Tirith Warriors with swords

Minas Tirith Warriors with spears

Minas Tirith Warriors with bows

Numenor Warriors with swords (Last Alliance)

Elves mix (Last Alliance) (one bow is snapt of a bit and belongs with the casualties)

The rest are casualties of war :wink:
Don't know if these are gone be rescued ??

The first painted Minas Tirith Warrior

more to follow....

greetings, xenton (Jan)

Author:  garmenhord [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

great paint job. I had two broken figures in the group of mini's i bought in a street market. U could fix parts with greenstuff.

Author:  Drumstick [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

Ah new to the hobby? If so Welcome! You've done a grand job of taking any paint that was on them, I wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me. Your painting looks good, I did the same colour scheme but with a lighter blue. For your battle worn figures, they can always be kept for conversions, if your into terrain/scenery they make perfect statues etc.. You into WOTR I take, I've yet to buy the rules book.

Drum 8)

Author:  xenton [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

garmenhord wrote:
great paint job. I had two broken figures in the group of mini's i bought in a street market. U could fix parts with greenstuff.

Never used green stuff before, this me be a good time to use it. :)
The weapon blade's I probably make out of plastic card.

Author:  garmenhord [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

Yeah that is a good idea for the blade, because it's hard to make a blade out of greenstuff. I did at one of my broken figs but it's not really straith... It only looks good from the front, but at the side u see it's bend. :-D

Author:  xenton [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

Drumtastic wrote:
Ah new to the hobby? If so Welcome! You've done a grand job of taking any paint that was on them, I wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me. Your painting looks good, I did the same colour scheme but with a lighter blue. For your battle worn figures, they can always be kept for conversions, if your into terrain/scenery they make perfect statues etc.. You into WOTR I take, I've yet to buy the rules book.

Drum 8)

New and not new to the hobby, enter’t about a year ago but after 3 months had to stop because of a bunch of reasons.
Hope to get everything back on track now.
For a first painted mini I think it’s ok, just painting my second mini now and I already feel that the brush strokes are more controlled.
Great tip for the broken minis (statues why didn’t I think of that) thanks 8)
At the moment I don't play anything, just havened got the time.

P.S. I love making terrain and scenery (going to post some WIP in the terrain section)

Author:  xenton [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

garmenhord wrote:
Yeah that is a good idea for the blade, because it's hard to make a blade out of greenstuff. I did at one of my broken figs but it's not really straith... It only looks good from the front, but at the side u see it's bend. :-D

If I ever get that far I will let you know if it worked.
Everything in this hobby is a great learning process (and lots of practice).

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

Welcome. You did a nice job cleaning up the models. The painting looks good. Broken weapons are very common. I have some old lead figure on my list to repair.Spears and bows are easily made from wire from the hardware store or florist shop. Try to find copper or brass but soft iron florist wire will work. Cut it to length and pound or hammer the end flat.Then file the tips into shape. Don't make them too sharp. Cut short lengths of plastic cocktail sticks and file them into shape for short swords. I have never tried to repair the elf weapons. I think I would cut the shapes from plastic card or the miniature package.
You can use two part ribbon epoxy or green stuff if you want to learn to sculpt. You can also purchase weapons.I have some piano wire spears that have cast lead spear points. I can't get them any more but I have so many left I have not tried to find a new source.
Good job so far. :yay:

Author:  Drumstick [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

New and not new to the hobby, enter’t about a year ago but after 3 months had to stop because of a bunch of reasons.
Hope to get everything back on track now.
For a first painted mini I think it’s ok, just painting my second mini now and I already feel that the brush strokes are more controlled.
Great tip for the broken minis (statues why didn’t I think of that) thanks 8)
At the moment I don't play anything, just havened got the time.

P.S. I love making terrain and scenery (going to post some WIP in the terrain section)

Well It's nice to have you back to the hobby, and I look forward to seeing some more of your work. Looks great for your first mini, I'm still ashamed of my first painted mini. Great! look forward to seeing some of your terrain :D

Drum 8)

Author:  xenton [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

Oldman Willow wrote:
Welcome. You did a nice job cleaning up the models. The painting looks good. Broken weapons are very common. I have some old lead figure on my list to repair.Spears and bows are easily made from wire from the hardware store or florist shop. Try to find copper or brass but soft iron florist wire will work. Cut it to length and pound or hammer the end flat.Then file the tips into shape. Don't make them too sharp. Cut short lengths of plastic cocktail sticks and file them into shape for short swords. I have never tried to repair the elf weapons. I think I would cut the shapes from plastic card or the miniature package.
You can use two part ribbon epoxy or green stuff if you want to learn to sculpt. You can also purchase weapons.I have some piano wire spears that have cast lead spear points. I can't get them any more but I have so many left I have not tried to find a new source.
Good job so far. :yay:

Now that is a weld of knowledge, some of the things you mention I already have.
Certainly gone try some of the things your mentioning.
Thanks mate 8)

Author:  xenton [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

A little update, still painting the Minas Tirith Warriors (at the moment 4 finished), when I have a full movement tray I post some picture's (with flocked tray).

To break the monogamy I have begun to paint Gandalf (MoM)

Primed black

Block-painting all the colors

A wash with badab black and ogryn flesh (the face)

1ste layer

Next up highlighting and basing.

Until next time, Jan

Author:  garmenhord [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

looks great so far :) keep it up

Author:  Drumstick [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

Look good so far, you bought the MOM box i take :)

Author:  xenton [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

Drumtastic wrote:
Look good so far, you bought the MOM box i take :)

Yep, that was my first thing I bought from the LOTR series.

Author:  Drumstick [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

xenton wrote:
Drumtastic wrote:
Look good so far, you bought the MOM box i take :)

Yep, that was my first thing I bought from the LOTR series.

yar same, great started pack I thought 8)

Author:  werner [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

Very nicccce :yay:

Author:  Cyndra the Grey [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

Great work I'm digging the beard. You got the rest of the fellowship coming soon?

I didnt by the MoM but I got the return of the king box instead which I loved and I think that it is better value for money. Shame they stopped doing it.
Keep up the good work.

Cyndra the Grey

Author:  xenton [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: xenton miniatures WIP

Cyndra the Grey wrote:
Great work I'm digging the beard. You got the rest of the fellowship coming soon?

I didnt by the MoM but I got the return of the king box instead which I loved and I think that it is better value for money. Shame they stopped doing it.
Keep up the good work.

Cyndra the Grey

The plan is to paint the entire fellowship, but in stages.
When I'm bored painting allot of the same figures I grab another (fellowship miniature).

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