The One Ring

PoW's WIP: 6/16/2022 Khazad Guard
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Author:  PowerofWill [ Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:18 am ]
Post subject:  PoW's WIP: 6/16/2022 Khazad Guard

    [quote][/quote]After following all these great WIP threads, and after finally getting a Photobucket account, I figured I should start my own
    wip thread. At the moment I have numerous projects to finish, and start. The project I'm working on now is a converted Easterling warrior.
    This is an old Easterling warrior that I had lying around and thought the pose was perfect for a banner.
    and a close up of the banner
    and the back of the banner

    The reason I'm doing the back of the banner different is because the front design was really annoying, so I thought I could try something a bit different, but I wasn't sure if that would look good, or just kind of strange.

    Author:  Gorgoroth [ Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:36 am ]
    Post subject: 

    Nice freehand on the banner, it looks really nice! :yay:

    Author:  PowerofWill [ Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:23 pm ]
    Post subject:  PoW's WIP (8/30/10)

    Thanks! I'm thinking of adding some gold or a light brown to the edges to brighten it up a bit. I would really like to do to do the brown, but i am not sure what kind of brown to use. If you all have any suggestions, i would greatly appreciate it.

    Author:  PowerofWill [ Sun May 02, 2010 11:59 pm ]
    Post subject: 

    I finally finished him! :D there wasn't a whole lot more to do on him, just had to touch up some stuff on the banner, and base him.Image
    And here is my next project that i am working on. Image
    I have started the armor(the picture is just after i primed them so you can't see what i've done on the armor yet) and i am almost done it, surprisingly.I have already finished the uruks with the swords, so once i finish these guys up i will get started on some dwarves 8) .

    Author:  PowerofWill [ Mon May 03, 2010 7:59 pm ]
    Post subject: 

    Well, here's a short update on the uruks. I have highlited three of the ten pikemen so far and am working on the rest.Image
    And also, while I was looking in the Library, I came across The Dwarf Holds(NMM) - Part One(Which, by the way, is a great article :yay: ) which inspired me to try my hand at NMM. I got a box of dwarves all primed and ready, and this is what I came up with. ImageImageImageImage
    C&C very welcome. Enjoy!

    Author:  ShadowMaster26 [ Tue May 04, 2010 11:20 am ]
    Post subject: 

    Good job!

    Author:  PowerofWill [ Wed May 05, 2010 5:59 pm ]
    Post subject: 

    Sorry about the blurry pics, i'm still working on my photography skills :) . i will try to get a better picture of the dwarf later today, aswell as an update on the uruks.

    Author:  PowerofWill [ Fri May 14, 2010 9:16 pm ]
    Post subject: 

    I got my knights of Dol Amroth! :D I am so excited about these, they look really great 8) . At the moment I am putting them together and am almost ready to start painting them.
    Here is a pic of what I got.Image
    And here is a look at the sprues.
    And I also finished the uruk hai.Image

    Author:  samoht [ Fri May 14, 2010 10:53 pm ]
    Post subject: 

    Great work mate! 8)

    Author:  Queen BerĂșthiel [ Sat May 15, 2010 6:55 am ]
    Post subject: 

    Very cool uruks dude :yay:

    Author:  PowerofWill [ Mon May 17, 2010 7:41 pm ]
    Post subject: 

    Thanks for the comments, they are very much appreciated! I have put together my knights and primed them, and right now i am working on a test model. Here are some pics of my knights.
    Image100_1709 by Will Parnell, on Flickr
    Image100_1710 by Will Parnell, on Flickr
    Image100_1715 by Will Parnell, on Flickr
    Image100_1719 by Will Parnell, on Flickr
    Image100_1726 by Will Parnell, on Flickr
    Image100_1729 by Will Parnell, on Flickr
    Image100_1733 by Will Parnell, on Flickr
    Image100_1736 by Will Parnell, on Flickr

    Author:  samoht [ Tue May 18, 2010 7:34 am ]
    Post subject: 

    Does the set really come with a helmet free head?

    Author:  Blue Dragon [ Tue May 18, 2010 7:41 am ]
    Post subject: 

    The set does come with a helmet free head. I'm currently painting up my own ones.

    Author:  PowerofWill [ Tue May 18, 2010 5:11 pm ]
    Post subject: 

    Yes, it comes with seven heads, six with helmet, one without a helmet so that you can make a knight Champion.
    How are your knights coming along Blue Dragon? I'd be interested to see them :) .
    I have finished the armor, and face of my first knight, and I am pleased with the result, but I wasn't sure about the blue on the armor. It just doesn't look right.Image
    I took that picture with no flash so the armor doesn't look to bright, and this one below is taken with flash so you can see the blue better.Image

    comments and criticism welcome.

    Author:  tsmpaul [ Sun May 23, 2010 12:44 am ]
    Post subject: 

    I love the banner work on those Easterlings! I'm always impressed by any detail work people do on such small things as miniatures, especially free-hand work. I love cavalry too, so I'm looking forward to seeing some photos of the painted horses.

    Author:  King Elessar the Uniter [ Wed May 26, 2010 1:51 pm ]
    Post subject: 

    There's some nice work here and the armour on the KoDA is looking good so far.
    Thanks for posting pics of the KoDA sprue and miniatures - very helpful. 8)

    Author:  PowerofWill [ Thu May 27, 2010 3:58 pm ]
    Post subject: 

    Sorry I havn't been able to update my WIP latly, I was having trouble finding the camera :lol: . But after a while, I succeeded in finding it and now I have an update on my SKODA.

    As you can see, I have very nearly completed him. I just need to finish the horse, and add a couple more details to it and it will be ready to bash some orc heads!

    Author:  PowerofWill [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:38 pm ]
    Post subject: 

    Okay, so now I have completed my first knight of Dol Amroth, and I have started on my second one, the banner bearer. I am actually really close to finishing the banner bearer right now. I just need to finish some the straps, and fix a couple things up.... Oh yeah... And also the banner :shock:

    Comments and Criticism welcome.

    Author:  PowerofWill [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:21 am ]
    Post subject: 

    About two weeks ago I got a Mordor troll and five warg riders from a guy on Thepalantir, and they arrived two days ago.
    Finally I found a place with decent lighting. I hope the look alright to y'all.

    As you can see I have already started painting the troll, and am very happy with how it is turning out. It is a lot more fun to paint than I had expected.
    I have also started [ainting the banner, and it is coming along well. I will probably get a pic of it when it is all finished.
    Hope you enjoy!


    Author:  captain krak [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:39 am ]
    Post subject: 

    That troll is looking good!

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