The One Ring

Wah Wing's WIP - So it Begins...
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Author:  theavenger001 [ Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

To me where you put the white is good, it just looks like snow/ash to me, not a bright white light. I dunno, maybe make it a slightly coloured white light? (Very Very little bit of blue in the white?)

Author:  Wah Wing [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Indeed the Haradrim Chieftain - more specifically the Mumakil commander- and the crew is up next.
I'll eventually get to the Mumak when I have the inspiration (and time) to finish filling in gaps. I have two legs, the belly, up the front and to the neck filled and detailed.
That leaves the two back legs, the rear of the Mumak, and then the head. Then I need to attach the head and do that gap as well.
I'll paint one of the crew as a test model for colors and see how that turns out. See if I can get pics tomorrow of the progress.

P.S. Sorry I haven't taken any pictures of the good side I promised awhile ago. :( I'll see if I can do that tomorrow as well.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

The Mumak is a really tough model to get through but extremely rewarding when finished. I painted 2 at once and it took me 6 months. Look forward to seeing what you come up with for the crew 8)

Author:  Wah Wing [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Wow I'm tired! I haven't had enough time to do anything since I got called into work and didn't get home till 1:30 in the morning. :x
Here's what I came up with in the time I had.
First up:
A test model for Riders of Rohan.
There are highlights on the green cloak, but there was an overcast so the lighting was poor.

And next:
My WIP for the Haradrim Crew.
The highlights on the purple need much work to blend the two colours. Any advice? :wink:

And finally:
An update for this month's challenge.
I think the skin is too pink. What do you guys think?

Well, there's been work done to these models but the wind here right now is rather a nuisance. So pictures will have to wait.
Please comment! It always helps in any way.
Till next time! :-D

Author:  Hilbert [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Very impressive army :yay:

Author:  BilboOfTheWhiteTower [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Really like that Rider...very nice job! :)

Author:  king elessar 2615 [ Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

nice rider of rohan i like the green :)

Author:  Wah Wing [ Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Thanks for the comments guys.

Here's my finished entry for the paint challenge. Hope you guys like it.

And some WIP pictures of new models I've painted. Sorry for the random mini's. I see them and then decide to paint them on the spur of the moment.
At least the backlog is getting reduced right? The Hobbits are waiting to finish their bases. Just need static grass, etc.

Here's a barrow-wight:


What do you think of the eyes? Do they match very well?

And here is, I believe, my best painted miniature. Looking at the pictures, I'm going to touch up the eyes.

Without further adieu:



There's something about the last picture that makes me smile. :)
It really captures her character well. Always waiting for Tom to come around.

I'm thinking of placing Tom and Goldberry on Calvary bases instead of the small ones. What do you guys think?
More space for scenic base.
Center piece to a collection.
Draws more attention.

Already super-glued to the small bases.
Affect gameplay in scenarios. (?) Would it?

Well, let me know what you guys think.
Thanks for following my stuff.
Till next time!

Author:  IM A ENT!!! [ Sun Nov 27, 2011 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Wah Wing wrote:
theavenger001 wrote:
To me the osl isn't bright enough, I don't know, the white needs to be whiter...... :roll:

Any tips on making the white...whiter? :roll: :?

I collect black templars as my 40k army (they will be done soon so i can get on with my new wotr army :D ).

I fisrtly paint the black templar shoulder pads using forteress grey, then i go over that with at least 2 thin coats of white ( the more thin coats the better, but its time consuming and frustrating)

I have even experimented washing the fortress grey before the white coats using badab black , and i have also experimented with black wash after the white and then i just highlighted again with white, but i prefer doing the wash before the white, but you dont have to do a wash at all i think.

I was terrible with white, but when i wanted a black templar army i knew i had to get better so practise 8)

Author:  BilboOfTheWhiteTower [ Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Great looking Shaman!! :)

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Excellent Shaman, the others are good too, well done :)

Author:  king elessar 2615 [ Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

i really like your barrow wight the gray you have used gives it a wonderful undead ghosty feel i think and the other models are superb too!! :-D

Author:  Wah Wing [ Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Thanks guys. Sorry I don't comment a lot or give responses often.

Well here's my first entry to the 'Bieb' Challenge.


And the painted minis!
One of the wargs was painted before the challenge so doesn't count towards the points. He's just there to hold up the rider.

So the total points I have is: 11pts.

Better get painting if I want to keep up. :roll: :wink:

Also, here are pictures of some finished and WIP models.
Enjoy! Sorry for all the pictures.

Some more pictures of the Wargs:

And finally, some WIP walls for Helm's Deep. I probably won't use these for the final project but instead make the walls out of pink insulation stuff. :?

Thanks again for the comments. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
Hopefully more to come soon.
Till next time!

Author:  Hilbert [ Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Very nice progress :yay:

Author:  Drumstick [ Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Nice! Liking the painting & quite excited about your deeping wall. :D


Author:  king elessar 2615 [ Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

some beautifully painted models there and i cant wait too see how that helms deep progresses :-D

Author:  Chris [ Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Looks like u have been busy lol nice painting :)

Author:  BilboOfTheWhiteTower [ Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Great job on those Fellowship pieces!! :)

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

That's one big update. I really like the Fellowship and the base you've given them. Top job indeed 8)

Author:  Wah Wing [ Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Thanks guys! I'm hopefully going to get the materials to start Helm's Deep sometime this week or before New Year's.
I'm currently working on a bunch of Uruk-hai warriors right now. Made one of them a captain by placing him on a rock and repositioning his arm. Another was made into a Hornblower. Made the horn from scratch and took the sword from another Uruk. That Uruk has been made into an objective marker: an escaped secret, or something like that. It has green stuff parchment papers that he stole and some littered arrows around him. there will be a spear in his back also. Well, need to eat lunch then back to painting.

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