The One Ring

YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 16/08/16 - Various)
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Author:  YOrcShire [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 13/11/2014 - Terrain & Gandal

Thanks everyone for the comments.

I've now finished off the remaining Uruk Hai Warriors and have shown the full 'army' shot below. I've still got a second Lurtz pose to paint and have enjoyed using these Uruks to practice different techniques on. I managed to get a few votes for my Lurtz in the monthly challenge which I was surprised and delighted with.


I have been looking forward to painting Thrain for a while now and this is what I have been working over the last week. This is my first finecast model and I think its a great sculpt with lots of detail but it was a pain to put together and needed a bit of green stuff. Painting it didn't disappoint as it was really enjoyable to paint and it was nice to dedicate all my time to an individual miniature. I am really pleased with how he turned out and will hopefully look good leading the GrimHammers seen earlier in this thread.


Enjoy and as always feedback welcome :)

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 13/11/2014 - Terrain & Gandal

The uruk group shot is a little washed out by the flash but Thrain is outstanding mate. The highlighting work on the cloak is spot on.

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 26/11/14 - Thrain)

I ditto what Kev says about the Uruks.
Great detail on Thrain, in particular the fur and that lovely red robe.

Author:  Harfoot [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 26/11/14 - Thrain)

Great work on Thrain,the fur colour works really well with the cloth colour

Author:  YOrcShire [ Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 26/11/14 - Thrain)

Yep, not the best photography skills on the Uruk shot. Thanks all for the comments on Thrain, I'm pleased you like him.

Author:  YOrcShire [ Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 26/11/14 - Thrain)

Happy new year all. December was a bit of a write off for me in terms of hobbying for various reasons but thought it was time for an update. Leading up to the Christmas period I managed to paint 18 Warriors of Rohan for my sons army (I think he has 33 in total and I was hoping to finish them all before the new year but alas it was not to be!).


I don't think these are my best work but I think they look good on the table top within a reasonable timeframe which was the main aim.

The last week has been spent assembling xmas (and birthday) gifts as well as gaming with my son. I was lucky enough to receive Beorn (Man and Bear) and Azog (Foot and Mounted) and my son got some Rohan heroes, Minas Tirith warriors and Rohan Cavalry. So plenty of painting to get on with during the next few months. I've just got Azog to assemble.


Beorn the bear needed plenty of green stuff work which I have realised I am not very good at due to a lack of practice. Hopefully once primed and painted it won't ruin the model too much.

Hopefully the next update won't be too far away.

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 2/1/15 - Rohan)

Nice looking bunch, glad your back on here as I had wondered where you had gone.

Author:  Sithious [ Sat Jan 03, 2015 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 2/1/15 - Rohan)

It has been ages since I painted anything for Rohan, but I recall those shields are bothersome. I think you did great.

Author:  YOrcShire [ Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 2/1/15 - Rohan)

Feels like a while since I posted an update (too long!), real life has got in the way unfortunately. I've done a bit since Christmas, firstly I've finished another 7 warriors of Rohan, I'm fairly pleased with the overall look of these:


And they have been added to the rest of the group:


I've got another 8 to paint and think I might go for a slighter different scheme with these, to use as Helmingas alongside Grimbold (also to paint).

I've also painted Azog foot and mounted. I am really disappointed with how he's turned out. Feels like I took a backwards step with him. I seemed to have problems with this miniature from the outset as I struggled with the assembly then the greenstuff. I also primed him with GW Skull White spray which just didn't seem to work for me, I felt it dried too thick but lesson learned. Anyway a couple of picture below:




I may revisit him one day but for now I'm glad to see the back of him. Moved onto Beorn (man and bear) now, hopefully I have better luck with him.

Author:  Gene Parmesan [ Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 20/1/15 - Rohan & Azog)

Have to be careful with sprays. Remind me later in the week and I'll send on a good article. Just on my phone here, no proper connection.

Youre coming on leaps and bounds though, almost ti
e to experiment with more pro techniques and small details.

Author:  YOrcShire [ Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 20/1/15 - Rohan & Azog)

Thanks Gene. I would appreciate the article if its no trouble, thank you for the offer and thanks for the encouragement. I think I maybe need a little more confidence to try new techniques. I will consider getting some cheaper models which I can try other things on and I'm not concerned about the final look!

Author:  YOrcShire [ Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 20/1/15 - Rohan & Azog)

Currently working on Beorn (man and bear). I completed the Bear form last night and am fairly pleased with how he's turned out. I wanted him with black fur and the hardest part was knowing how far to push the highlights on the fur. I've got some priming to do today and hopefully finish off the 'man' form of Beorn so hopefully the next update won't be too far away.





Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 24/1/15 - Beorn)

Bear in a bottle, could catch on.
Lovely work as always mate.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 24/1/15 - Beorn)

Nice work. You achieved the black fur look. I know what you mean its difficult not to push it too far and end up grey.

Author:  Gene Parmesan [ Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 24/1/15 - Beorn)

Dont take it any further. Looks great. How did you prime it?

Author:  Ridgeback [ Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 24/1/15 - Beorn)

Hey really awesome Beorn the fur looks great . The eyes are the highlight in my opinion

Author:  Sithious [ Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 24/1/15 - Beorn)

He looks great. Black is always tricky, especially since we really only saw this bear in night shots in the film, hard to get a example to use.
Human form should be a bit more cut and dry though.

Author:  YOrcShire [ Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 24/1/15 - Beorn)

Thanks all.

@ GeneP - He was primed using Choas Black spray but this was done a few weeks back before you had sent me the article. I didn't seem to have the same issues with this as I did with the white one.

Should be another update soon, just waiting to take some pictures. Beorn (man), GrimHammer Captain and Grimbold (possibly) to follow.

Author:  YOrcShire [ Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 24/1/15 - Beorn)

Managed to finish Beorn (Man) for the painting challenge:


More pictures on the painting challenge thread.

I have also completed the GrimHammer captain. I was looking forward to this as I really enjoyed the GrimHammers and was pleased with the results.



I think this is one of the best faces I have done but I am unsure on the choice of beard colour. I was aiming for the aging warrior look so went for grey but I think it gets lost a bit in the rest of the model.

Group shot with the rest of the Army of Thror so far....


Author:  Gene Parmesan [ Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 31/1/15 - Beorn)

Looking good mate. Maybe another white highlight on that dwarfs beard will help it stand out. There are other ways of doing it but that involves colour theory, and all that. but it's not neccessary.

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