The One Ring

Rognarr's WIP - Last mini of the year (this time really!)
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Author:  Thermo [ Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Gorgeous model and I agree, Erkenbrand is one of my favourites!

Author:  Rangefinder [ Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

What are you doing for your Haradrim color scheme?
I have a bunch I am queuing up to do in a desert/Mahud theme.

Author:  Rognarr [ Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Sry range but I have neither Haradrim nor Mahud :P

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Your Erkenbrand looks wonderful, saubere Arbeit ;)

Author:  Rognarr [ Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Danke Matt! I'm glad you like it.

I hope you guys will like my update too. I finished Erkenbrand now (including base) and I took up Théoden King again for some finishing touches on the base. Also finally finished my royal guards (some of the most beautiful GW LotR models imho!). I also finished Théoden (on foot), Éowyn and Gamling except for their bases, still not sure what to do for them.
Last, but not least for today two small Isengard conversions: an Uruk war-drummer and a warrior with two swords.






Oh.. and keep your eyes open for more conversion updates soon.. ;)

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Great work, Rognarr! Flawless painting as usual! Yes, more conversion updates, I like! :P

Author:  Crucifer [ Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Nice bases for the horses! How did you do the rocks and what static grass did you use?

Author:  Rognarr [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Hahaha Matt! Flawless is really exaggerated... but thank you for your kind comment!
And Crucifer: Yeah I liked the result too when I tried that. I used small pieces of bark mulch that had the right shape.. I based them black and drybrushed in (light) grey and at the end almost white tones. That's it pretty much.. quite simple but great effect.
For the grass: I use two sorts of a German company ("Noch") one is light green flockage that is pretty versatile. The static grass is "Scatter Grass Meadow" with a length of 1,5 mm. Hope that helps?
(here are the links: ... ssic-Flock & ... ategorie4=)

Author:  Telchar [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Great painting here! And very nice Elf conversions - why does everyone except me seem to get those shoulders right?

Author:  John Wayne [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Nice Rohan mate :yay:. Gamling and Eowyn are my faves!

Author:  janner [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Great thread - Love what you've done with Erkenbrand :-D

Author:  Rognarr [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Thank you so much mates!

Telchar wrote:
why does everyone except me seem to get those shoulders right?

Don't worry.. some poses are still not really "natural" and also i took my inspiration from this forum

John Wayne wrote:
Nice Rohan mate :yay:. Gamling and Eowyn are my faves!

Gamling's face almost drove me mad.. painting his small eye slits.. that [word deleted] :D but I am happy with the result.

For tonight just a little update: my Riders of Rohan.
12 riders with 11 'poses' (few little conversions for more diversity), try and find the double pose! ^^



Author:  John Wayne [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Woah they look awesome together. You managed to sneak that one out of the bag. Love your banners btw. I still need to start my re-do banner. A great load off different poses too, i can see the double but its ok (i will let you off). Congrats :yay: btw your Eomer looks fine as he is. :)

Author:  Rognarr [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Hah, thanks John! In fact I only made the small 'banner', i was inspired by the Two Towers where Éomer's riders have small banenrs on their spears too. I wanted to have those too, but not as banners, just as "deco".
The royal gaurd's banner is actually a printed one from the BGiME mag :)
The "double posers" differ in their helmets though.. one leather, one metal. ^^
Still have a Gamling with banner waiting to join them btw. If only had the time..
Oh and Éomer says thank you! ^^

Author:  Rognarr [ Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan

Sorry for the doublepost (I see that many of you look at my thread, but only a few comment :S ) Anyway.. As promised more conversions!
Joining my drummer, there is an Uruk with 2 handed axe, inspired by the one ukfreddybear modelled.. i'm not entirely happy with the left arm yet.. but for the first limb I ever modelled completely it's maybe not too bad. I hope it looks better when painted.
The other 2 guys are the first of a whole bunch of Mordor orc conversions which I did during the last weekend. More to follow..

Comments, tips and critique welcome, as always.



Author:  Son of Éomund [ Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan and Orc conversions

Love the Rohan figures! I especially enjoy how clean the white looks on the horses & Gandalf. How did you achieve this? I'm looking for tips to painting white on horses as well.

Author:  Rognarr [ Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan and Orc conversions

Thanks Son of Éomund!
For the white painting (white horse are the HELL!!! :@ ): I mixed white with the base colour (grey for the horse, bestial brown for Gandalf) and I went with really watered down layers to get a soft blending. Gandalf also got a layer of Bleached Bone, mixing that with more and more white for highlights again.
That's pretty much all the secret.. mixing colours and thinning them with water. Hope that helps?

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan and Orc conversions

The mounted Gandalf is really top notch (but then so are the rest :D)

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan and Orc conversions

Looking forward to seeing your orc conversions painted, Rog! Your Rohirrim charge looks awesome :)

Author:  Rognarr [ Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rognarr's WIP thread - Update: Rohan and Orc conversions

Thx Crucium and Matt for your kind comments! I fear I have disappointing news for you though Matt due to a massive lack of time (thanks to Uni and exams) I don't think I will find much time for painting within the next weeks :(

But at least, here is the next bunch of dirty orcses!


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