The One Ring

Wah Wing's WIP - So it Begins...
Page 15 of 20

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Your painting gets better with every update my friend and your basing is second to none. You achieve an uncannily realistic mini landscape on each base, really well done. Take care on your travels Wah Wing you know where we are should you need us and we will be here awaiting updates when you return.

Now get that terrain made :)

Author:  edge67 [ Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Safe travels mate. We are sure gonna miss your brilliant painting, basing, sculpting, terrain.....
Gandalf looks great by the way. I hope you have an amazing time in Russia.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Two years in Russia? Well, best of luck. There will be an overdose of hobbitry awaiting your return. 8)
Your Minas Tirith wall section reminded me of my own modular version - pic on my WIP.

Author:  Ukfreddybear [ Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Nicely converted orcs there. I might have to steal some of those ideas.

Author:  CaptainOfTheWhiteTower [ Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

I'll miss this thread once you go. Presumably you're going to some remote part of Russia if you can't use the forum? All the best anyway.

Author:  samoht [ Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Oh god post more.

Author:  Wah Wing [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "So it ends as I guessed it would..."

It comes at last to this final time together.
I'd like to relate this quote to how I feel right now. You should all be familiar with it.

Gimli: Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an Elf.
Legolas: What about side by side with a friend?
Gimli: Aye. I could do that.

I leave tomorrow for this trip and won't be able to post on this site till I return in two years time. Sadly I haven't much of an update as I would have liked. But it is something, right? ;)

Gollum arrived in the mail the other day though I only glued dirt on and undercoated him. And I was able to add more colour on to the orcs.

Here they are.

and your basing is second to none. You achieve an uncannily realistic mini landscape on each base, really well done.

DMS, this is definitely the greatest compliment I have ever received! I have always had a desire to achieve this on every project/mini etc that I have done but I never told anyone that. Just a personal objective. Thank you for recognizing that. It means alot.

I bid thee all a fond farewell. Till I return in two years time, enjoy everything Lord of the Rings from The Hobbit to LEGO's to this very hobby!

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Farewell and I hope the time away goes swiftly for you, its a shame we won't be seeing any more of these fellows for two years.

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

safe travels wah wing. dont drink too much vodka ;)

Author:  rheodon [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Wah wing, take care in Russia! I will miss your updates, but I look forward to your return and hope you didn't forget how to paint:)

Author:  KnightyKnight [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Travel well and take care Wah Wing :) we'll be waiting for you!

Author:  Erurainon the Trombonist [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

All the very best for your trip, you will be missed here for the time you are away, but I hope the work you will be doing will be successful and beneficial to all you come into contact with!

Author:  Wah Wing [ Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Who does this guy think he is, not writing in his forum for over two years?
I guess one who gives up two years of his life to serve in Russia for his church.

But guess what? I'm back! :D And I haven't been completely gone from the hobby for those years. While I was in Moscow, I happened to look out the window of the tram car and saw the unmistakable image of two Space marines on a sign with the name of the store being "Tabletop Games." Thankfully I knew the area well enough so we could find the store again to go look at it. And this is what I saw in the display window:



Helm's Deep and a massive fortress with two Mumakil in front of it! Sorry for the reflection on the mirror.
The store was filled with miniatures galore and they had a decent size display for all things Lord of the Rings. I was so excited! And this is what I bought (mind you, remember that the last time I picked up any models was October 2012, long before any of the new Hobbit models came out):

The Attack on Weathertop set:

(Remember! I love pictures! So there will be plenty of them here.)
So, still to this day, I have not bought any of the new models from the Hobbit series. While in Moscow, I was very limited in supplies (paint and tools) as I didn't have too much money set aside for hobbies and so I could only buy one paintbrush and three things of paint: black, white, and silver. And so the only thing I could paint was one of the Ringwraiths.


That's as far as I've gotten with him. And here is what I was planning on doing for the hobby challenge last month or so.



I didn't get very far. I realized upon my return to the states, that all of my stuff had been moved. And so for the longest time, all my tools and paints were missing. You can't very well paint a diorama with black, white and silver. Well, you could but it would be more of a black and white type film. And so that still stands as it is above.

And below, this is my next project. I really hate fielding unfinished models on the battlefield and noticed that the only army that has finished models for a 700 point game is my Isengard force. I don't have a Good army to contend against them. And so I have gathered together my Gondor forces and counted up the points.
Here is the list of what is in the army:

Boromir, Captain of the White Tower
- Horse and Banner of MT
Captain of Minas Tirith (Aragorn model to be converted)
Warrior of Minas Tirith x 60
Knight of Minas Tirith x 12
Ranger of Gondor x 24

Total points: 1259

For the Captain, I wanted to know if there was a profile for Ranger captains other than Madril and Damrod. Are those the only captains you can field for rangers (besides Faramir)?
I know that the points are way over the 700 that I mentioned earlier but I might as well paint the entire army while I'm at it. And some of them are already painted. I just need to retouch many of them to fix some sloppy brush work.


Another thing that I started was making trees! Well, putting store bought ones on bases, that is. I was finally fed up with having the trees always falling down during the battles. So I made bases for them and when I find time (and money) to go to the store, I'll buy some filler to smooth out the gaps and then finish the terrain piece with dirt, paint, and foliage.







Unfortunately the trees are rather small. I need to make or find some bigger ones. Now the trees won't be falling over. That's it for updates. I hope that you enjoyed reading.

Till next time! :-D

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Welcome back with a Big Bang !

Author:  Gene Parmesan [ Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Best comeback since Elvis' 68 special

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Welcome back, the shop was a nice find in Russia with the great window display.

Author:  Wah Wing [ Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Thanks everyone.

I had a great idea come to me as I was looking through the painting challenge for the month, Mordor, when I saw someone doing a winged Nazgul. I thought to myself, "That's cool. I have one of those. It came with a spare head and wraith. I should do something about that." And then I saw the sculpting and conversion challenge which we can sculpt anything we'd like from Middle Earth. And so that's what I have started!

I'm going to try to finish this sculpt before the end of the month so I can paint it but if it's not finished I'll keep working on it and paint some orcs or something. Actually, I should paint my foot model Witch-king. We'll see as the sculpting goes on.

A bunch of paper clips:

I want it to be positioned on this rock as if it's going to pounce off of it.

The inspiration: LEGOs!!!! (Found on Google)

And after a rough time fidgeting with the wires the final armature:

I might change the rock a bit. I'll need to make some kind of mold of it as it is very heavy and could cause a lot of damage if it falls or is dropped.
But that is all for now. Thanks for your support! :-D

Author:  Ridgeback [ Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

awesome thread with stunning works im looking forward to the ringwraith. :)

Author:  artsify [ Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Wow. Great to see you still found a way to carry the hobby on in Mother Russia, The new project looks like it is going to be awesome, and I cannot wait to see how it goes! Good luck!

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it Begins...

Awesome dedication! Cant wait to see some of your stuff.

By the way, not to offend in any way if Im wrong, but are you a Mormon?

Im well aware they do mission work in other countries. I was in the military and two of my friends did some mission work when they were still civilians. One with to Brazil, and one went to Russia. St. Peteresburg to be precise.

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