The One Ring

YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 16/08/16 - Various)
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Author:  Oropher [ Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 28/6/15 - Mauhur & Scouts)

Always loved those scout models and their colour scheme. One of my favourite bits of The Fellowship is the fight with Lurtz and his crew.
The cloak on Mauhur is exceptional!

Author:  YOrcShire [ Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 28/6/15 - Mauhur & Scouts)

Thanks Oropher.

A quick update. I've started and finished 6 Berserkers. These were done very quickly (compared to my usual rate of painting) and it felt good to get them done as I seem to have slowed recently. I've also made a good start on Vrasku but he is still WIP. Been busy assembling some models today (24 Warriors of Erebor, Isengard Troll, 6 Riders of Rohan).





Author:  paliouras [ Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 12/7/15 - Beserkers)

Add some white hands on the berserkers, otherwise they are perfect!

Author:  generalripphook [ Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 12/7/15 - Beserkers)

How did you paint those bezerkers flesh? It looks good.

Author:  Oropher [ Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 12/7/15 - Beserkers)

Excellent muscle definition on those Berserkers!

Author:  YOrcShire [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 12/7/15 - Beserkers)

Thanks guys.

The colour scheme (from memory) was (all citadel paints watered down with a couple of layers at each stage):

Rhinox Hide
Doombull brown (leave deepest recesses)
Nuln Oil wash
Doombull brown (as above)
Tuskor Fur (highlight most raised areas)
Wazdakka Red (Mixed with Lahmian Medium - about 4 parts L Medium to 1 part W Red) - Build up in several layer until happy with effect

Hope this helps.

Also finished Vrasku tonight:


Not my best but looks OK with the ever growing Uruk army.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 12/7/15 - Beserkers)

Ahh - uruks! Very nasty - that's how they should be - well done.

Author:  YOrcShire [ Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 12/7/15 - Beserkers)

Been busy assembling some new purchases and also added some new trees to my collection which needed a bit of work to base etc.

I have managed to paint a troll over the last couple of weeks. This is my single largest model to date (just a little bigger than Beorn). I quite enjoyed painting him and it was a lot quicker than I expected. Wanted him to look decent quality on the tabletop without spending a ridiculous amount of time on it.






Author:  paliouras [ Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 25/7/15 - Troll)

Your troll is very ugly!!! (In a beautiful way-sort of speak)

Author:  MorgulKnife [ Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 25/7/15 - Troll)

I like the way you've painted the metallic areas on the troll - that shield looks very realistically pitted and scarred, very nicely done!

Author:  edge67 [ Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 25/7/15 - Troll)

Brilliant job on capturing the muscle definition in the berserkers - one of the best paint jobs I have seen on these. The troll worked out really well. The armour and skin colour are spot on.

Author:  Valadorn [ Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 25/7/15 - Troll)

I ve read the thread for the beginning. Very clear paintjobs, rohan stuff and the troll are great highlights!

Author:  Dorthonion [ Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 25/7/15 - Troll)

Great looking troll!

Author:  YOrcShire [ Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 25/7/15 - Troll)

Thanks everyone, your comments are appreciated and encouraging.

I've now completed a second troll as well as the trees seen in the background:






The two together:


Also made 2 4ground buildings which I think will fit into middle earth nicely. I love the details on these buildings and the lack of painting required, they are also really nice to construct:



For scale:


Author:  Bandobras Took [ Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 17/8/15 - Troll)

Nice work on the troll, you've achieved an especially nice look on the metal areas 8) One thing I would suggest is painting the rocks on the bases. A basic Chaos Black basecoat followed by successive dry brushes of Codex Grey, Fortress Grey and Skull White (or equivalent paints) will really bring out the stone look. It'll also tie it in better with the really nicely painted miniature too! :) When you've dry brushed with Skull White, you can then think about adding dry brushes of Graveyard Earth and Catachan Green into the cracks and corners and a few random areas to add a bit of variation and weathering.

Great work though! :) And I agree - those 4ground buildings do look excellent.

Author:  YOrcShire [ Sat Oct 10, 2015 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 17/8/15 - Troll)

Overdue update as I couldn't get on for the month or so. But I've still been busy.

Firstly is Young Dwalin:



Followed by 24 Erebor Dwarves (Not all shown):





Then treated myself to painting Thror:






Finally, just this week, I've painted a couple of Uruk Hai command models. This was my first banner, I was dreading doing it but I am quite pleased with the outcome:



Author:  Harfoot [ Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 10/10/15 - Various)

Great work mate, you really have been busy.

Author:  YOrcShire [ Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 10/10/15 - Various)

Can't believe its over two months since the last update but below is what I have been working on over that time:

Starting with Damrod:




Followed by a warband of Rangers of Gondor for Damrod to lead:



Following the Gondor theme I decided to finally paint my Osgiliath ruins which I have always overlooked doing, a sample is below:


I love the next sculpt so inspired by all of the above Gondorians I painted Pippin, hope I've done it justice:




I've got a whole load of Gondor Warriors to paint so I decided to do 4 (My 'best' batch size for warriors I find). Thinking back I wanted something I could paint without having to think about it too much and as I'd done several before these seemed logical:


To finish off the year I completed 4 Uruk Hai Crossbowmen, nothing special but they fit the style of the rest of the army:


Author:  YOrcShire [ Sat Jan 23, 2016 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 06/01/16 - Various)

Quick update. This years work to date, nothing I haven't painted before:


Author:  Mapper [ Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: YOrcShire - WIP (Updated - 06/01/16 - Various)

Your painting skills really bring out the details in the figures, well done. On the Osgiliath corner piece, you might want to think about filling in the side/bottom, I felt it made the piece more complete.


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