The One Ring

Shelob Strategy
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Author:  Salattu [ Sat Jul 08, 2017 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Shelob Strategy

So, Shelob has awesome stats: basically she is like a dragon, except that her attacks.

So, why is she not used often? Is there any strategies to use Shelob? Has anyone ever used Shelob competitively (or seriously) and won skilled enemies due to Shelob?

Author:  McGarnacle [ Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shelob Strategy

I think someone who regularly wins Tournaments uses her in tandem with Fellbeasts, other than that I don't know.

Author:  Salattu [ Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shelob Strategy

The Goblin shaman that gives rage to beasts might be overpoweredly good on shelob?

Author:  Dikey [ Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shelob Strategy

Salattu wrote:
So, Shelob has awesome stats: basically she is like a dragon, except that her attacks.

So, why is she not used often? Is there any strategies to use Shelob? Has anyone ever used Shelob competitively (or seriously) and won skilled enemies due to Shelob?

Aside from her attacks, Shelob has no might to boost her attacks. That leaves her exposed to countercharges, so she needs lots of supports. Plus, she's an independent hero, and independent heroes real cost is always bigger than the points written.

The tactic is to use her as a flanking units to charge a single model and then toss it down the line. We are talking about a 4"-5" throw at the very least. Her movement rule allows her to attack and retreat through obstacles that would made chasing her impossible. I used her with success against Denethor-style leaders.

I heard that Shelob was used in Scenarios that involves movable objectives, such as heirloom of future past. She's as fast as a cavalry model but since she counts as a foot model she can just grab the objective and run away to safety.

Author:  Salattu [ Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shelob Strategy

Well... I though such... If there is just a way to guarantee winning of fight-phase, shelob hits harder than a troll.. Supported by ringwraith should be powerful (transfix)? Enemy hero with transfix should have relatively high chance to loose a fight... Rerolls on wounds should ensure kill...

Or, it could be used to kill banner carriers?

Or with nowadays monstrous strike throw a warrior 1-6 inches to one direction causing s3 hit to all?

Author:  mr. dude [ Mon Jul 24, 2017 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shelob Strategy

When I look through my posting history, maybe half my posts are about my love for Shelob? Let's make that number grow.

Shelob Shelob Shelob

I use her either to flank and throw enemy models, like dikey says, or I pair her up with a captain and attack big heroes. The captain is there to make sure she wins the fight (he has Might), she does the killing. The skill is to learn how to isolate the big enemy hero so you can get Shelob and a captain in.

Sometimes, because she's one of the hardest models in the game to kill, she can make her points back by just standing there and tying up a big hero.

Very versatile hero once you get used to her

Author:  Salattu [ Mon Jul 24, 2017 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shelob Strategy

Yeah, i tested for fun a couple times an 1v1 against Gimli, overpowered underprices dwarf hero... Surprisingly shelob won both times... So, it is quite a formidable enemy, and has twice the mobility of gimli's.

Could shelob work well in combination with orc captain on warg? So, the captain could keep up in the phase, and offer might when needed?

If yes, could a taskmaster make this an even more powerful combination?

I made an army list suggestion to "army help" area, but i thought this question belongs also here (especially when i got 0 answers to there to my list with warg riders + warg rider captain).

Also, can shelob knock out a cave troll with S6 with any method?

Author:  mr. dude [ Mon Jul 24, 2017 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shelob Strategy

Orc Captain on Warg, on foot, it doesn't really matter. See what you like better. I prefer the Captain on foot, maybe you'll find yourself doing better when the Captain is mounted.

Taskmasters always help, but in this specific case, again, it depends. He will be worth his weight in gold if you're trying to heroic combat your Shelob+Captain into your opponent's big hero (or heroic move to get you charge bonuses right), but the Captain's real purpose is to make sure you have enough Might that you can just about guarantee a 6 to win the crucial fight.

As for the Cave Troll, do you mean knock down a Cave Troll or kill a Cave Troll? If she charges, she can knock it down (by being a higher strength monstrous mount), and most likely kill it in one turn (needing three 4+s on four dice, rerolling failed wounds).

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