The One Ring

Anyone have a super guide to all magic?
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Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  Anyone have a super guide to all magic?

So, ive read all the profiles, and Ive seen the books....and I just cant make it work.

I know magic isnt for all of us, and I know some times are better than others to cast it, but does anyone know or have a definitive guide to all magic.

I see people talking about how powerful Gandalf, Saruman, the wraiths, and Elven magic is, and I can never use it well.....

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have a super guide to all magic?

Well, how do you use it? Maybe we can spot where you are going wrong. I always include a wizard/ wraith at 1000pts and they rarely let me down. They are especially useful against non hero monsters as they can transfix and prevent them hurling etc.

Author:  Hodush [ Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have a super guide to all magic?

I don't think there is a guide as such for magic because it is very situational. The thing is that they are always support units - maybe you are relying too much on them doing damage? Sorcerous blast is good, but you will eventually run out of will or be engaged before you can cast so you need others to keep doing the hard work. Elven magic is good (like Natures Wrath) but you still need troops to rush in when the enemy is knocked down.

Honestly, I don't even bother with most casters who have a will below 4 (which is most people). There just isn't enough certainty you will get the rolls you need and get through your targets will store with only 3-4 attempts. This is what seperates the Wizards and Nazgul from other casters - there is a lot more certainty of getting the job done.

Immobilise/Transfix is one of the best spells to bring down hero's but you need to spend a previous turn or two threatening them if possible. If I MUST Transfix Aragorn for example on one turn, it isn't going to work out if he still has 3 will points, unless he is rather unlucky. So you need to sap will a turn before or compel (to threaten taking him into combat and being surrounded) so that he is forced to use up will points. But you still need troops to finish off the job. Its times like this having a regular captain (who Aragorn assumes he can beat easily) can pay dividends as he is more likely to get wounds in.

If i can give one example that I had. I had Aragorn, Boromir & Faramir Mtd vs Khamul and Easterlings. I'm pretty sure that my opponent was ONLY thinking about doing damage with Khamul (maybe due to the fact he gets a reward for wounding). So turn one we were both out of charge range but turn 2 he just let me charge Khamul with Boromir - ok so I had priority but why let your hero be killed? At least use some might to reduce Boromirs store as well and give your whole army a better chance. I wounded him once first turn. Second turn I basically used all Boromirs might to kill Khamul because I was expecting him to be transfixed at any time, and with only 1 will point, that would end very badly for Boromir. All he had to do was maybe use a point of might or two to call a heroic move, move Khamul behind the ranks and start Transifixing my heroes and he would have dominated. Instead we spent the next few turns chopping up his troops before I rolled bad enough to lose fights and die. If I had only Boromir and the rest troops, it would have been my whole army vs his without a leader or a way to stop Boromir. Hope that makes sense.

Please give us an example or reason why you say "you can never use it well".

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have a super guide to all magic?

I understand completely. Than you!

So is magic cast without line of sight? You can just cast through ppl right?

Author:  whafrog [ Wed Jan 08, 2014 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have a super guide to all magic?

The caster has to be able to see the target, unless the caster is Radagast. But yes, if you can see the target you can cast through other models.

Author:  Armandhammer [ Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have a super guide to all magic?

Have you checked out the "Magic of Middle Earth part 1 & 2" articles by GW?

You can find them by clicking this link:

viewtopic.php?f=30&t=25720 :)

Author:  Bronf [ Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have a super guide to all magic?

well depending on the hero and what spells they have and also what they limited to and what gear they can take and not take. here's a little combo for gandalf on a mount can be very hard to deal with he can put up his terra aura and blinding light and immobilizing his target before charging and use his s5 sword this increase the chance for gandalf form being counter charged and bow fire will be hard to hit him. ringwraith do things differently though since they are really limited on what they can use their spells on and cant just cast every single turn and be in combat. so ya magic is situation and needs to be thought of on what to do.

Author:  Pandarchon [ Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have a super guide to all magic?

If an enemy hero or monster is in combat with you, immobilize or transfix. If an enemy hero or monster is close and threatening, or if it is in the front line, command or compel it away or towards you (so you don't have to deal with it, or you can isolate it and gang beat it.

What else?

Author:  Dorthonion [ Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone have a super guide to all magic?

Hogwarts? Oh, wrong series of books :)
One problem for us Olde-timers is that there are so many books, from the first 3 films alone, that keeping track of all spells and items is a bit of a nuisance, not to mention anything that was dropped or modified at some point in between.
At this point, some of the people I work with would be creating spreadsheets or databases... all I would want would be a single point of reference.

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