The One Ring

Using Elrond
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Author:  Zarathustra Suicuine [ Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Using Elrond

So I really like his model (Felloship prolouge) and back story, but every time I even think about including him, his points cost makes me back off and go for the likes of Gil galad, Glonfindal and Elendil, as him with either rivendell Knights or just High elf warriors will cost about 400 or 300 pts respectively, and whilst the ring is cool as is nature's wrath, I just can't the pull whilst he has just F6 (Great for Fight I know, but for his points, or just even comparing to the his King or Squatter, the fact a Cave troll is the same kills him).
So has anyone had any luck with him? Are there any ways for him to get his points back?

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Using Elrond

I have the same. The only time I've ever used him was in a custom scenario we called (as a joke) "High Elf family picnic", where Elrond and his offspring and a few guards were waylaid by a Wraith, Orcs, and some wargs led by a warg chief. The Twins and their sister took out all the wargs and the chief in a couple of turns, but the wraith quickly neutralized Elrond and then the game turned into an orc family picnic :)

I can't justify the new Knights either, the only way would be a large game of 1200+

Author:  Orome [ Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using Elrond

Haha I love that story whafrog!

He's probably best saved for larger games. As you've pointed out, for his points he isn't effective enough in small skirmishes or even medium sized battles.
However, in larger games I wouldn't underestimate him. I once sent two full Goblin warrior warbands against him with 12 high elves (hoping to kill at least half of the elves and tie-up Elrond for a while). One channelled Nature's Wrath and two turns of combat later, about 3/4 of both goblin warbands, and both captains, were dead.

Whilst I was certainly at fault (I had some abysmal dice rolls with the prone Goblins), the sheer speed at which his warband tore through my two thanks to his magical powers and combat prowess was highly impressive!

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using Elrond

In a game big enough to fit him and Lindir (for the extra Will), he could start pulling his weight.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using Elrond

It is a shame when a character that SHOULD be a 'go to' model for leading a force is just minimized in value like this.

Author:  Zarathustra Suicuine [ Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Using Elrond

Been thinking of using him again, thinking something like this:

12 High elf warriors: 6 with spear and shield, 4 with elven bows, 2 with elven blade

12 Numenorian warriors: 4 with bows, 4 with shields, 4 with spear and sheild
Only problem is the points size, but at this points level the most I could get if dropped Elrond for a cheaper hero is a captain of numenor with shield and ha and 3numenorians with shield and one with bow, and whilst I have had luck with that, I'm thinking the natures wrath and renew could be more usefull.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Mar 01, 2014 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using Elrond

I as the type of player I am, will never besides a 1,000-1,200pts + game and even then I'd use like 4-5 others first. I think he's over priced without the power.

Author:  Dragon from the East [ Sat Mar 01, 2014 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using Elrond

I usually take Gil-galad in my armies, but once I took Elrond and an elf captain in a 500 point game that was against Isengard. Pretty much the Uruk-hai and orc spearmen rolled through my entire army except for elrond. For 3 turns in a row he rolled a 5 or 6 surrounded by uruk-hia with orc spear support. And because of his ring, he survived surrounded for around 7 turns total killing at least 10 orcs/uruk-hai by himself before the Isengard troll took him out. I still prefer Gil-galad but Elrond can definitely do work and has some great survivability. That's just my experience.

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