The One Ring

Favorite tactics anyone
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Author:  Grungehog [ Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Favorite tactics anyone

So this thread is all about nasty tactics for both good and evil.
Having been around since the rotk rule book I my self have seen lots of strange developments in tactics and game mechanics over the years, and have come up with fiendish plots to dominate the battlefield.
I will post a few ghastly plots of my own and expect you guys to do the same

For example getting a spider queen enraged to take out important heroes in one turn with F9/S9/A6/C7 not much will get in her way calling a heroic combat and your off(I once killed rumil and legolas in one turn of combat like this)
Note: it's probably not a good idea to launch this kind of tactic at the knight of umbar as you could be in for a world of pain

Knight of umbar with fell beast vs balrog
potentially 10S9 attacks if the demon loses

I will post more in response to your resposnes...

So I now turn to you...

Author:  Balrog88 [ Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

Wow what a fun idea for a thread! I only play moria and doesn't really play alot but the things I nearly always use is groblog and shamans as 1/3 save is gold and without having to use a might point and durburz near a shaman 28cm auto standfast helps alot and since Moria got alot of terror units that drum can really help trolls not get swamped.
Anyways that's probably my thoughts, ooh and you gotta' use warg marauders 8 str 4 attacks on charge for 35 points with two bows. they're pretty much a must, if they didn't cost so much :shock:

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

Shade + Dwimmerlaik + High D + str shield wall. Either gundabads, morannons. Tbh works with any troops. It is especially effective against heroes as they have to expend might points if they want to win fights. Doesn't get much dirtier than that.

Author:  Grungehog [ Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

SouthernDunedain wrote:
Shade + Dwimmerlaik + High D + str shield wall. Either gundabads, morannons. Tbh works with any troops. It is especially effective against heroes as they have to expend might points if they want to win fights. Doesn't get much dirtier than that.

I will add another layer of dirty to this idea
lots and lots of prowlers with 2h axes
every turn they will call piercing strike 2handed and aim them at D4 heroes like legolas, or corsairs, wood elves and spiders, hobbits, basicaly anything with D4 or lower and they can auto wound when they win the combat.
the math:
up to +3 strength, +2 to wound,

Gundabad shaman, best anti special weapon unit ever especially when teamed up with the undying
aim at these specific heroes, gandalf, radagast, saruman, gilgalad, legolas, dain, durin, gimli, aragorn(with anduril), hasharii, haldir,thorin, elendil, frodo, bilbo, erestor, the twins, murin and drar, thranduil, mardin and any one with burly
these are priority targets as you will be able to potentially ruin their combat effectiveness; the reason the Gund shaman and the undying work is because the undying will sap the will of the target, and then when the shaman succeeds in destroying the weapon the undying gets a will back, also unlike the dwimerlaik the undying has might
or you could use the dwimerlaik instead and let the passive ability suck the will up anyway

Author:  Telchar [ Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

Six berserker's in a squad with an Uruk Captain with 2HW, your enemy will want to give them a very wide berth, which leaves you in control of a significant portion of the field. That, and nothing short of a Balrog is going to stop them (I rate bad dice above a Balrog in terms of terrifyingness).

Not nearly as dirty as anything above, but still, I've found it rather useful.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

Multiple 'zerks with a Captain (I wouldn't give him a 2H as you want him to help win the Fight) works great and is just a solid kill team without any specials needed.

Author:  JamesR [ Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

Imagine combining said "kill-team" with a shade to negate your 2-h weapon penalty. I hate shades lol

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

Good point on the Shade.

I'm still pretty 'thematic' on my army lists least to the point that I question if something might have reasonably happened within the boundaries I see in Tolkien's work. As such I don't see a Shade (or any undead) participating with Isengard in most situations. I could see a single Nazgul or the Mouth of Sauron there as an agent visiting from Mordor, but that's about it. But there are other armies that have decent 2H weapon forces where a Shade is fine. Mordor Uruk Hai are a good example ( I have a little over a dozen of these guys as part of my Dol Guldur force ).

Author:  JamesR [ Wed Sep 25, 2013 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

I don't have the Fallen Realms source-book but does the Uruk-hai shaman have fury? And if so why wouldn't you combine one with Beserkers every time? Lol a channeled save for them would be terrifying

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

yes they do.

Author:  Armandhammer [ Thu Sep 26, 2013 3:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

Beowulf03809 wrote:
Multiple 'zerks with a Captain (I wouldn't give him a 2H as you want him to help win the Fight)...

Giving an uruk Captain a 2H is always a good idea. You can just opt to strike normally instead of using the 2H modifier in the fight phase :)

At least that's how I interpreted the rules:

"every model in The Hobbit: An unexpected Journey is armed with a single handed weapon unless his profile specifically states that he is unarmed (pg.67 of the hobbit rulebook)

Q: If the profile of a model states that it is armed with a
two-handed weapon, such as an Uruk-hai Berserker or
Clansman of Lamedon, do they count as being armed with
a single-handed weapon as well? (Hobbit FAQ)
A: Yes

Uruk captains with 2H (even regular berserkers!) can chose a normal attack (roll two dice as normal) OR swing away with a 2H (-1 in the duel roll/+1 to wound)

Feel free to correct me :oops:

I think I'm correct about the choice the bezerkers have during combat but I'm not too sure if the uruk captain simply gains the 2H or trades his single-handed weapon for the 2H.

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

Yes, the berzerkers have a choice, and yes, the captain gains a 2H weapon, it's not traded for his hand weapon.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Thu Sep 26, 2013 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

Yes, they can decide not to use the weapon 2H, but I personally wouldn't use the option enough to justify the points. I admit, rolling 2 attacks does sort of lessen the risk of the 2H penalty but for the most part it's more important to me that my Captain wins the Fight. The Uruk strength is decent enough to have a good chance to wound on one or more of the attacks anyway. I have given 2H to Captains on occasion if I just have the extra points but I just don't use it often.

It's all a matter of play style though. But if you have the extra points then there's nothing "lost" giving a 2H to a Captain and there may very well be situations where you have other models around to help secure the Fight and you really want the extra +1 wound on the multiple attacks.

Author:  Manadar [ Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

Well if you can take a 2H weapon you may as well take a shield for your captain.

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

Just remember if you have a visible 2H weapon (eg axe) and you want to use a weapon strike (eg piercing strike) you must do both. You cannot just piercing strike. Also, you cannot use a weapon strike for a hand weapon you cannot see.

Author:  Thermo [ Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

*starts buying up axe spares for rohirrim army...*

In all seriousness, since the rohirrim on foot can't make the standard high D, spear supported shieldwall, the trick has got to be trying everything to make them win the fight (banners are very important for Rohan) Piercing strike your Helmingas (potentially strength 7) and do everything you can to kill in the fights you do win...

Author:  Grungehog [ Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

I started this thread to talk a bout tactics not about weapons options, if the weapons choice are paramount to the tactic then fair play.

I like the idea of a compact uruk strike team, could even use thrydan for the strong hero role.

How about this:
Get a sentinel to bring out enemy trolls from cover then fill em with arrows.

Keeping monsters on your opponents flanks to better make use of hurling or/and heroic combats(troll chief, spider queen spring to mind here)

Lets have more of these creative and bloody sneaky tactics, let us think outside the box a bit.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

For myself my Wood Elf Sentinels usually use their songs to disrupt the enemy attack plans. Cave Trolls and Mordor Trolls are often part of lead strike lines and a lot of assumption is invested in them assisting with the alpha strike where they engage. But if you have one or two Sentinels that can keep these hard hitters dancing away from combat for a few turns it could be all that's needed to address the cheaper 'swarm' forces. I know a lot of people talk about using the songs to bring a Troll or such forward sooner than your enemy plans and engage it in advance. The problem with this is if you don't manage to kill the Troll off that turn the next turn you may be in a worse situation. But if you keep it moving outside of charge range until YOU are ready to deal with it I believe it's a more solid least for me.

Another good one is using the Sentinel movement song to disrupt an enemy charge. This works best against Cav as you will see. In many cases players keep Cav forces near the extent of their charge range until they are ready. If you can sing to and move one or two of the basic Cav units IN FRONT of the rest of the Cav line properly you could easily create a couple obstacles that your opponent now needs to charge around and very likely reduce the success of his charge. Maybe even to the point they abandon it for that turn.

Author:  rkruse [ Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

A tactic I have forced myself to use for the past year is bringing a model of Legolas with my Gondor Army when I play. I also bring a picture of Orlando Bloom, light 4 candles before the match, and use obnoxious orange colored dice when using Boromir. (I dont even field Legolas in my Gondor Army list, he is usually placed somwhere near the board out of place where I can easly view him)

The reason: I cant tell you how many times I just burn Boromir's heavy might pool to wins fights without remembering to use the Horn...

If I can see Legolas, I am reminded of his line at the end of Fellowship when he has that constipated look on his face when staring at Aragorn and you hear it blowing in the background," The Horn of Gondor!" Hey, if it saves me 2 might over the course of a battle... its awsome tactics! :rofl: :legolas:

Author:  LordElrond [ Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite tactics anyone

rkruse wrote:
A tactic I have forced myself to use for the past year is bringing a model of Legolas with my Gondor Army when I play. I also bring a picture of Orlando Bloom, light 4 candles before the match, and use obnoxious orange colored dice when using Boromir. (I dont even field Legolas in my Gondor Army list, he is usually placed somwhere near the board out of place where I can easly view him)

The reason: I cant tell you how many times I just burn Boromir's heavy might pool to wins fights without remembering to use the Horn...

If I can see Legolas, I am reminded of his line at the end of Fellowship when he has that constipated look on his face when staring at Aragorn and you hear it blowing in the background," The Horn of Gondor!" Hey, if it saves me 2 might over the course of a battle... its awsome tactics! :rofl: :legolas:

lol What a great idea. I'm always forgetting stuff like that (e.g. weapon special strikes)

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