The One Ring

How do i kill Sauron
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Author:  kellie [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  How do i kill Sauron

How i kill Sauron, with a gondor force
in battles about 700-1000~

the only way i can think of it is to beat him with
aragorn with the 4's wound rolls, is there any other way
to beat Sauron or should i always be taking Aragorn?

I cant see another way to kill him with Strength 4 needing to roll 6/5
and strength 3 needing 6/6 and two having - :shock:

Author:  General Haar [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Don't forget that with the ring on, he gets a 2+ fate roll, which can be modified with might. I think someone averaged it out to him surviving 25 "deaths" or so.

The problem is with killing Sauron is that really, he's not made to die, and everyone wants to kill him. So how do you kill him? You don't. You defeat him.

I've said this in your other thread, but really, you don't even need to get the LoME book; make up your own scenarios. If you play a straight-up deathmatch with Sauron, you're going to end up quitting the hobby. It's a tedious, boring, frustrating, and completely ridiculous process. If your opponent wants to play a deathmatch and you see him put Sauron on the table, just stop right there and walk away. That's not unsportsmanlike, rude, or being afraid; that's being smart. More likely than not he's playing to win and that's not fun for anyone.

And I know that you're crafting a Mordor army with Sauron in it, which isn't a bad thing. Just don't be "that guy," please. Even if you do scenarios, a lot of people just don't want to deal with Sauron, and really, can you blame them? Don't expect to be fielding him that often, especially in smaller games. Make alternate lists, and expect those to be your most played. I would suggest playing games without him to see how everything works and to get a feel for the game; huge heroes tend to interrupt it when you're starting out. Ah, but this advice should go in your other thread.

If you actually want to go through that ridiculous process, you're going to want someone to transfix him, so Gandalf, and then I suppose Aragorn would be your best bet, for the easier wounding.

Author:  Lord_Cicapha [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:43 am ]
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Personally if you want to beat Sauron I'd break his force.

Once its broken then just start running and his force will probably destroy itself due to low courage.


Author:  hithero [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:33 am ]
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Cutting his finger off seems to do the trick :) No honest...

Many, many years ago I was battling against him on the slopes of Mt Doom, won the combat and wounded him. Somebody nudged the table and he fell down the mountain losing his arm as he fell. I now had the Ring (or rather the whole arm) in my hand and my opponant failed the roll :D Sauron dead - I win 8)

Author:  AndrewTheLordOfTheRing [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

29 wounds to finish him off, his 5 and then all the chances of him rolling a one, after the might is used (4 1s). Then after the might there is still a high chance of saving the wound with the ring :p one tough cookie!

Author:  Arabog [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 2:19 pm ]
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The king of the dead? if he can make the wound on Sauron and he is run out of fate he is slain. His ring is useless against it.

Author:  General Haar [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 3:21 pm ]
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Arabog wrote:
The king of the dead? if he can make the wound on Sauron and he is run out of fate he is slain. His ring is useless against it.
What are you talking about? His ring is a Fate roll in all regards, except it is a 2+ and can only be used when he is "killed."
There's no reason his ring wouldn't work against the King of the Dead.

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:20 pm ]
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It was theoretical that the wounds taht kill somebody outright would kill the Balrog and Sauron... Well Balrog would die ouright...

but Sauron? hm don't know... basically he should die if he is wounded...

-drain soul: if the model suffers a wound in close combat and if even a single wound is not recovered the model is slain regardless of the wounds remaining..

So if it´s not the last wound KotD is blowing then Sauron SHOULD die outright... but the possibility of KotD suceeding in a fight like this is a very little one... Well even if Sauron get's transfixed/immobilised etc. And loses a fight then there is no quaratee that KotD can kill him whit his 1-3 attacks (depending on the spear support and trapping rule)

Author:  AndrewTheLordOfTheRing [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:06 pm ]
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You should see it as it draining his life, as in it is draining it away, starting from wound 5, going down by 1, til one, then he has a chance of saving it

Author:  Corsair [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:17 pm ]
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The number the times this question comes up is really fascinating; I always have the same answer: Gil-Galad, he is the top notch of elf heroes, and worth every point of himself. It can be worth backing them up with an extra hero from time to time though.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:26 pm ]
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Bear in mind that, no matter what hero or army you select, fortune may be unkind in the rolling of the dice.... there is no such thing as a guaranteed victory over the Lord of Mordor.

Author:  General Haar [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mouth-of-Sauron wrote:
-drain soul: if the model suffers a wound in close combat and if even a single wound is not recovered the model is slain regardless of the wounds remaining..

And the fate roll made by Sauron is made when Sauron is "Slain." He wouldn't recover his five wounds at all, so he dies, as per the Drain Soul Rule. And since he "dies," he gets to make his Ring save.

Author:  Krol [ Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:18 am ]
Post subject: 

General Haar wrote:
I've said this in your other thread, but really, you don't even need to get the LoME book; make up your own scenarios. If you play a straight-up deathmatch with Sauron, you're going to end up quitting the hobby. It's a tedious, boring, frustrating, and completely ridiculous process. If your opponent wants to play a deathmatch and you see him put Sauron on the table, just stop right there and walk away. That's not unsportsmanlike, rude, or being afraid; that's being smart. More likely than not he's playing to win and that's not fun for anyone.

I completely agree. My sister did that to me a couple of times and I didn't have the will to walk away... gosh, I paid for it!
However, I do have an specific experience to share. I think it might be useful for some generalizations. So we were doing a 750 death match, she took Sauron, a troll and some easterlings. I chose Gandalf the White, a Rohan army with the some RORs, heroes, and INFANTRY and a few wood elves.
Since she took a very cynical army list, I decided to counter that with a cynical strategy. I had my cavalry and Gandalf take apart the Easterlings and Troll(took up two rounds) while I, basically, "fed" my infantry to the Dark Lord(they used their shielding rule and even managed to win one combat!!). Then I just encircled Sauron with as many warriors as I could and fought, and fought, and fought... it was pretty tedious, even sis got bored.
Anyway, I think the moral of the story is try to keep Sauron occupied with your cheapest troops while your main force disposes of his "entourage". Of course, then (if he has might left) Sauron might do a heroic combat, but then war is a risky business.
Also, pray for a lot of luck with Priority and combats. I must admit I had a lot of that element in that game.
And if your opponent chooses Sauron in any death match below 700pts... just do what General Haar said... no need to throw a couple of hours of your valuable time on that.

Author:  Azure Rathalos [ Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:08 pm ]
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I would take Frodo because then he can't have his ring, failing that, as he costs over 400 points you can hold him up with rubbish troops while you butcher the rest of you opponants army, leaving Sauron on his own.

Still not happy, use Gil Galad to get the same fight value, surround Sauron with a few heroes and pick him apart.

Or if you want to be mean, just use a mordor army and take your own Sauron, lol.

Author:  General Haar [ Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:46 pm ]
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Azure Rathalos wrote:
I would take Frodo because then he can't have his ring

Sauron's Rule wrote:
If Sauron has the ring, then no other model may carry it.

Not sure if that's exact, but I do know that if Sauron has the ring, then he's the only one who has it. If it were that easy, it definitely would have been suggested by now.

Author:  The newbie [ Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:22 pm ]
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field sauron without the ring. Then your oppents sauron is immediately removed from play because he has fallen under your control and must be removed. 8)

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Has anyone fielded Sauron vs. Sauron or with Balrog?
(assuming that He has the ring)

that would be cool....i suppose :rofl:

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:04 pm ]
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To answer the last post, yes I have fielded the Balrog against him. My younger cousin thought it would be 'cool' as well however after the fourth rematch it got boring. I think Sauron won 3-1, the Balrog unable to get past that last wound. Occassionally Sauron will win a combat and wound the Fire Demon and his magic should also swing combats later on once the Balrog is out of will.

To kill Sauron is almost impossible in point matches below 1000, however I find trebuchets are the funnest way of pummelling the Dark Lord into the sand

Author:  mr. dude [ Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:02 pm ]
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The most importan thing to do against Sauron is to take multiple spellcasters. Sauron vs. 1 spellcaster usually ends in favour of Sauron, but Sauron vs. 2 spells a turn will quickly become a game of "Who can Immobilize Sauron first". This will cause your opponent to start using his might to call heroic moves, in an attempt to make up for the points he spent on Sauron. If he's Immobilized for half the game, that's a pretty big waste of 375-450 points, so he'll want to move first and prevent you from casting crazy spells on him, but, you have at least 6 might points from your 2 spellcasters, which means you can counter his every move.
As well as 2 spellcasters, you need a good combat hero with a +1 to wound weapon (or Anduril). Or, as some people have suggested, the King of the Dead. Every turn Sauron is immobilized, charge him with your combat hero and every single warrior you can spare. You should win the combat, and deal him a few wounds (don't waste all your might trying to wound him unless it'll win you the game, eg To Kill a King). If he has the Ring, you just wasted his might, so it shouldn't be that hard to wound him and hope for a 1.

I'm participating in a 1500 point tournament next week, which is bound to have lots of Saurons, Balrogs, and Dragons. My army has the Tainted, Khamul (on a Fellbeast), and the Witch King (with a Morgul Blade), among other things. I've playtested small segments of my army aginst Sauron, and a Balrog (seperately), and they haven't lasted more than 1 turn of combat against me.

Author:  Sarcon [ Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Isn't it easier to ignore Sauron by feeding him single models to kill with his gazillion attacks, and simply killing the rest of his force?

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