The One Ring

PMC and Caliver team up - huzzah!
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Author:  typhoon2 [ Sun Jan 12, 2014 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  PMC and Caliver team up - huzzah!

I recently learned that two UK-based companies PMC - a cottage-industry supplier of painted 25-28mm buildings and scenic items - and Caliver Books - a general book and wargames products supplier - have started to work together. Given that PMC buildings are excellent value and delightful on the tabletop (and for someone like me who hates painting they're perfect!), and that Caliver has customer service that is truly exceptional, this is a match made in heaven.

Most of my battle reports have a few PMC buildings in them (I own in the region of 100 items from them) soc check out the quality for yourselves. They used to only be available on eBay or at two shows in the UK, and were reported to have postal problems but with Caliver in the driving seat that should no longer be an issue, since they have an excellent reputation.

I have no relationship with either company, apart from being a very-satisfied customer. The next show is Vapnartak in York on 2nd February.

Full press release is:

Caliver Books is now the proud owner of the PMC GAMES range of high quality, painted Resin buildings ( 6mm; 15mm and 28mm -Biblical through to Gulf War ) and Steam Punk/ Very British Civil War vehicles & Boats

We are re-launching the buildings/scenery under the BATTLEFIELD BUILDINGS banner (see and the rest under FORGOTTEN FRONT MINIATURES (

Once we are properly up and running we shall be selling all but the vehicles with painted or unpainted options - (The vehicles will always come un-assembled but undercoated). The price in the catalogue is for the PAINTED version. Postage will be added at the standard normal rate for now

At the moment we are offering straight out of the molds buildings/scenery at 20% off the price as listed in the catalogue- - with payment by card only so we can deduct.

We shall be taking a small display selection to shows, plus bundles of illustrated catalogue. Like Minifigs, these are mail order items produced in their own timescale by a specialist team separate from the normal mail order and as such they will not be available to grab off of the shelves when we are getting ready for a show, so no pre-orders I'm afraid though we are happy to take orders AT shows!

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