The One Ring

Battle for Middle-Earth 2
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Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Battle for Middle-Earth 2

This is a forum for discussing your favorite army and the tactics you use in BFME2.

Myself, I favor mordor. I just love sending a horde of attack trolls rampaging through the enemy's position. Here's some tactics of mine:

Anti-infantry tactic:
Trolls! Lots of trolls! Bludgeon the wee little defenders into pudding with the spiked clubs of trolls! Or, if there's some pikemen supporting, then distract the enemy with an expendable unit like orc warriors while supporting with archers. Once spear/pikemen are gone, send in the trolls!

I like to use cavalry against archers, just repeatedly running them over until they die. Of course, mordor ain't got no horses, or even wargs, so instead I distract the archers with some orcs and then send guessed it...a troll. :lol:

Uh...easterlings. You know, set up a spear hedge. And then.....trolls.

Most of you probably have more advanced strategies than I do, so please share them here! :-D

Author:  Nurin [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm gonna have to get that game and try it, sounds fun.

Your tactics seems very..... Trollish. =P

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

No, really? I wasn't trying to come across that way. :) :lol: :-D :rofl:

I played it again this afternoon, as Mordor of course, and kicked the rear of some wimpy little elves. I hate those mirkwood archers, though...especially with silverthorne arrows. Trolls should be able to auto-heal, once they're half dead, even if they survive the fight, I hate having units not at full health. :-X

Author:  Nurin [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, you could always do what I use to do on many strategy games... Kill off your wounded ones and build new ones to replace them. =P

Worked great on Total Anihilation as you could reclaim the metal of your dead robots... Or you could heal them, but that's anoying to do, as you need to use builders to repair them individually.

Not sure about the game system of Battle of Middle-Earth though, but otherwise you could just charge in with the half-dead ones first to break the enemy lines and then send in the fresh ones.

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Sounds good, but it gets tedious, and trolls take SO long to get.... :-X

Author:  bilbbo_bagains [ Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:08 am ]
Post subject: 

I need to get this game, sounds fun.

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

No one besides me has any tactics? :(

But yes, this game is fun. You should both get it. 8)

Author:  Phantom_Lord [ Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

well, my basic mordor strategie is orcs. many orcs. there damn cheap and do nothing, exept stall the enemy. while they butcher themselfs through an seemingly unending wave of orcs i have time to mount a proper defence, made up of, well, trolls.

besides mordor i like the dwarves to, the chariots are just awesome! ik kinda hate most army's without proper heroes, as those are just indestructible at lvl10. mordor is the sole exeption to this.

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Finally, a reply about strategy!

I see you like trolls too. :P

Author:  Queen BerĂșthiel [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Queen BerĂșthiel wrote:
I favor Isengard

i am really no tactican i just create an army and attack the enemy

it is just in battle for middle Earth an other games i am no tactican.

i really am a tactican i sbg

Author:  DainIronfoot [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:59 pm ]
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I love dwarves!

I usually spam catapults with the fire upgrade and build a castle. I also love men of dale for their insane defense and great attack value!

Author:  imrail [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:17 am ]
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I prefer Men of the West..

A good mix infantry, cavalry and artillery.

Goblins are most of the time horde, horde and.. more horde.
I like to build a huge army of Goblins, backed up by trolls and giants.
And just charge, climb over the enemy walls, and use some spiders to attack them in the flank. And, eventually a Dragon en the Watcher in the Water :) (oooh and the tunnels... thank you very much, I feel like playing B4ME II again)

Author:  ncea [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:17 am Post subject:


I prefer Men of the West..

A good mix infantry, cavalry and artillery.

Goblins are most of the time horde, horde and.. more horde.
I like to build a huge army of Goblins, backed up by trolls and giants.
And just charge, climb over the enemy walls, and use some spiders to attack them in the flank. And, eventually a Dragon en the Watcher in the Water (oooh and the tunnels... thank you very much, I feel like playing B4ME II again)

lol same for some reason i really want to play agian..

does anyone have a bfme2 online account? and if you do can you tell me so i can vs you or something. cause it gets a bit boring when you play offline by yourself.. or when it takes forever to join a game.

Author:  ShadowMaster26 [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:58 am ]
Post subject: 

As a reply to the troll tactics, I could just use Rogash's Dominate Troll ability to control them.

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

ShadowMaster26 wrote:
As a reply to the troll tactics, I could just use Rogash's Dominate Troll ability to control them.

I thought that could only control one troll at a time...but then I haven't played in a while...

Author:  PowerofWill [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Anduril Blade of Kings wrote:
ShadowMaster26 wrote:
As a reply to the troll tactics, I could just use Rogash's Dominate Troll ability to control them.

I thought that could only control one troll at a time...but then I haven't played in a while...

It does, but it "Recharges" so he can do it again, then recharge, do it again etc.

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

PowerofWill wrote:
Anduril Blade of Kings wrote:
ShadowMaster26 wrote:
As a reply to the troll tactics, I could just use Rogash's Dominate Troll ability to control them.

I thought that could only control one troll at a time...but then I haven't played in a while...

It does, but it "Recharges" so he can do it again, then recharge, do it again etc.

Aye, what I meant was, if I have 8 trolls, and he has Rogash, he will control one troll....and then what happens? Rogash gets his tail kicked. Control Troll is a useful little power, but not a game-winner.

Author:  PowerofWill [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Anduril Blade of Kings wrote:

Aye, what I meant was, if I have 8 trolls, and he has Rogash, he will control one troll....and then what happens? Rogash gets his tail kicked. Control Troll is a useful little power, but not a game-winner.

true, IMO Rogash really isn't that good. he's good for small skirmishes, but even then he is nearly killed because he hardly has any health

Author:  ellessar aragorn [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:59 am ]
Post subject: 

tactic is simple any basic unit in begin take allupgrades and create my army then ahero in begin sometimes ihave win 188 times like that i lose only 14

Author:  donuthare [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:54 am ]
Post subject: 

i played this game for 2 weeks, it's so boring:)

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