The One Ring

New Lord of the Rings game!The Lord of the Rings: Conquest
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Author:  Corsair [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Amarthadan wrote:
Corsair wrote:
Does anyone know how to enable (or disable) the splitscreen co-op. When 1 player picks a team, the 2nd player can only choose the other team, and not the same (ally with other player), and vice versa.


I found it, just open the setup menu in the instant action screen and turn of "auto-balance teams". 8)


Cheers Rueben, I had a feeling it would be that, but just didn't want to mess up everything ;)

Completed the whole game already - really simple, really easy.

There is something satisfying about killing Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Elrond, Gandalf and Frodo in the evil campaign.

You can play as hobbit archers too :-D

Author:  Amarthadan [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Corsair wrote:
Amarthadan wrote:
Corsair wrote:
Does anyone know how to enable (or disable) the splitscreen co-op. When 1 player picks a team, the 2nd player can only choose the other team, and not the same (ally with other player), and vice versa.


I found it, just open the setup menu in the instant action screen and turn of "auto-balance teams". 8)


Cheers Rueben, I had a feeling it would be that, but just didn't want to mess up everything ;)

Completed the whole game already - really simple, really easy.

There is something satisfying about killing Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Elrond, Gandalf and Frodo in the evil campaign.

You can play as hobbit archers too :-D

I'm going slowly on the campaign, cause I don't want to finish it too soon.

And yeah, the hobbit archers are funny when you walk through those crop fields...they're virtually invisible.:p

Kinda stupid though that its almost impossible to cross a hobbitsize fence with a troll or ent. :rofl:


Author:  Corsair [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was thinking the same, and why can't the horses or wargs jusmp across them either.

I like the way they name each command point, its a good idea.

Pick up a person with a troll and lob him at someone else, double kill!

Author:  Amarthadan [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 10:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Corsair wrote:
I was thinking the same, and why can't the horses or wargs jusmp across them either.

I like the way they name each command point, its a good idea.

Pick up a person with a troll and lob him at someone else, double kill!

Yeah that's a cool feature, although It's kinda slow to pick up a perszon and throw him when you're attacked from all sides.

Oh, and on other thing...attacks don't deal enough damage, it takes ages to kill someone! :lol:

Overall nice game.

Oh, and to everyone out there who didn't buy it yet, they're not the coolest units, but you'll get used to the mages. :rofl:



Author:  Corsair [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Amarthadan wrote:
Corsair wrote:
I was thinking the same, and why can't the horses or wargs jusmp across them either.

I like the way they name each command point, its a good idea.

Pick up a person with a troll and lob him at someone else, double kill!

Yeah that's a cool feature, although It's kinda slow to pick up a perszon and throw him when you're attacked from all sides.

Oh, and on other thing...attacks don't deal enough damage, it takes ages to kill someone! :lol:

Overall nice game.

Oh, and to everyone out there who didn't buy it yet, they're not the coolest units, but you'll get used to the mages. :rofl:



the mages don't at all ruin the game - in fact the scouts are the game ruiners IMO (invisibility my sas)

the mage shield eventually start to annoy you (or me anyway!)

Author:  Amarthadan [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Corsair wrote:
Amarthadan wrote:
Corsair wrote:
I was thinking the same, and why can't the horses or wargs jusmp across them either.

I like the way they name each command point, its a good idea.

Pick up a person with a troll and lob him at someone else, double kill!

Yeah that's a cool feature, although It's kinda slow to pick up a perszon and throw him when you're attacked from all sides.

Oh, and on other thing...attacks don't deal enough damage, it takes ages to kill someone! :lol:

Overall nice game.

Oh, and to everyone out there who didn't buy it yet, they're not the coolest units, but you'll get used to the mages. :rofl:



the mages don't at all ruin the game - in fact the scouts are the game ruiners IMO (invisibility my sas)

the mage shield eventually start to annoy you (or me anyway!)

Oh no I like the scouts, they're really strategic, only a bit stupid they can kill sauron with one backstab. :lol:

And yeah, my brother is annoyed by the shields too, especially because most of the times their shield is down, but just when you throw something at it or a nearby unit, the shield returns.:p


Author:  Corsair [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol, same happens here!

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

They sound like Droidekas! :o

By the sounds of it, this game is definitely worth buying, so I can't wait!

Author:  Haldir_Strikes [ Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm not sure whats wrong with you guys, but Conquest is easily the worst game I have EVER played. I'm glad I got this for free because it's not worth buying at ALL.

Combat is the worst I've seen in a game, it's very buggy and glitchy, getting caught in between 2 warriors heavy attacks renders you useless, and if you're on the ground you have an age long recovery time. Not to mention the skins are terrible portrayals of the characters in LOTR. They are far-fetched and basically very fantasy deriven. Finally, the voice acting is AWFUL. There is no soul.

So far the most fun I've had in this game is pushing my own members off the stairs of moria.

This is another one of those games where they figure "hey good graphics make an awesome game "

Sadly they are incredibly wrong.

Author:  Amarthadan [ Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Haldir_Strikes wrote:
I'm not sure whats wrong with you guys, but Conquest is easily the worst game I have EVER played. I'm glad I got this for free because it's not worth buying at ALL.

Combat is the worst I've seen in a game, it's very buggy and glitchy, getting caught in between 2 warriors heavy attacks renders you useless, and if you're on the ground you have an age long recovery time. Not to mention the skins are terrible portrayals of the characters in LOTR. They are far-fetched and basically very fantasy deriven. Finally, the voice acting is AWFUL. There is no soul.

So far the most fun I've had in this game is pushing my own members off the stairs of moria.

This is another one of those games where they figure "hey good graphics make an awesome game "

Sadly they are incredibly wrong.

I completely disagree with you. If they would have thought: Hey good graphics make a good game, the graphic level would be much higher.
The graphic level is rather poor.

Yeah sure the fighting is a little 'simple', not alot of detail, but what did you expect? It's based upon Battlefronts, which had no hand to hand combat at all.

Furthermore, what characters are you referring to? Because the uruks, elves and rohirrim and Minas Tirith warriors all look good to me.

And yeah, the voice-overs are pretty bad, especially that of Saruman, it's not at all as epic as Christopher Lee's voice. :lol:

Also, I normally don't care, but your first sentence sounded a little insulting to me.

No offence mate.^^


Author:  Corsair [ Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Amarthadan wrote:
Haldir_Strikes wrote:
I'm not sure whats wrong with you guys, but Conquest is easily the worst game I have EVER played. I'm glad I got this for free because it's not worth buying at ALL.

Combat is the worst I've seen in a game, it's very buggy and glitchy, getting caught in between 2 warriors heavy attacks renders you useless, and if you're on the ground you have an age long recovery time. Not to mention the skins are terrible portrayals of the characters in LOTR. They are far-fetched and basically very fantasy deriven. Finally, the voice acting is AWFUL. There is no soul.

So far the most fun I've had in this game is pushing my own members off the stairs of moria.

This is another one of those games where they figure "hey good graphics make an awesome game "

Sadly they are incredibly wrong.

I completely disagree with you. If they would have thought: Hey good graphics make a good game, the graphic level would be much higher.
The graphic level is rather poor.

Yeah sure the fighting is a little 'simple', not alot of detail, but what did you expect? It's based upon Battlefronts, which had no hand to hand combat at all.

Furthermore, what characters are you referring to? Because the uruks, elves and rohirrim and Minas Tirith warriors all look good to me.

And yeah, the voice-overs are pretty bad, especially that of Saruman, it's not at all as epic as Christopher Lee's voice. :lol:

Also, I normally don't care, but your first sentence sounded a little insulting to me.

No offence mate.^^


I agree Rueben, Conquest is great, everything you said is spot on. Yeah the voice overs are poor, Eowyn annoys me the most, especially when she says: "I salute you!". :o I mean, what the hell is that

Author:  General Haar [ Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:32 am ]
Post subject: 

I couldn't possibly agree with you more, Haldir_Strikes. Man, it wasn't even worth the time taken to download the demo. You're spot-on about the skins, too- this was actually intended to be a generic fantasy game, but then they decided to take a sharp turn towards LoTR at the last minute.

And it's ultra-disappointing because the battlefront games were fantastic! LOVED 'em. I was incredibly peeved at this game because they threw the lore out into the trash, but I thought at least there'd be some decent gameplay. No. Scouts one-shotting Sauron? Archers are ridiculous, Mages are just as lame and silly as I thought they would be, and what you said about being caught between the strikes was correct. It feels... rough. The whole thing feels unpolished.

Yeah sure the fighting is a little 'simple', not alot of detail, but what did you expect? It's based upon Battlefronts, which had no hand to hand combat at all.

I expect a quality product. They should have improved it much more if it was the main focus of the game. Not ever implementing Hand-to-Hand combat in the other Battlefronts is no excuse for it to be so rough in this one. I want to play a good game; I'm not going to sit there and be okay with the clunkiness just because they haven't done it before.

I've been against this thing from the beginning and now that I've tried it, I can now firmly say that my opinion hasn't changed, or if it did, it's even more against it. You guys like it? Great! Have fun with it. I'm glad you got your money's worth. I'm not going to say you're all silly for liking it; everyone has their own preferences. It's just not for me.

And getting offended at a casual, off-hand remark like that is kind of silly. I always say that when talking or disagreeing with buddies. It's a habit.

Author:  CaptainOfTheWhiteTower [ Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have to admit it isn't as good as what I thought it would be. I haven't actually played it that much. I wouldn't say it's the worst game I've ever played though. I think what puts me off is that once you're on the floor you've basically had it and they just keep attacking you until you die.

Author:  Corsair [ Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

CaptainOfTheWhiteTower wrote:
I have to admit it isn't as good as what I thought it would be. I haven't actually played it that much. I wouldn't say it's the worst game I've ever played though. I think what puts me off is that once you're on the floor you've basically had it and they just keep attacking you until you die.

yep, starts to annoy me, but then again, I suppose in a real battle it would be the same, you would not let your opponent get up again so he could whoop you - unless you are a very noble chivalrous knight. :roll:

Author:  CaptainOfTheWhiteTower [ Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Corsair wrote:
CaptainOfTheWhiteTower wrote:
I have to admit it isn't as good as what I thought it would be. I haven't actually played it that much. I wouldn't say it's the worst game I've ever played though. I think what puts me off is that once you're on the floor you've basically had it and they just keep attacking you until you die.

yep, starts to annoy me, but then again, I suppose in a real battle it would be the same, you would not let your opponent get up again so he could whoop you - unless you are a very noble chivalrous knight. :roll:

yeah I did think that, but it makes it difficult from a gaming aspect but it is realistic I guess.

Author:  GondorianBloke [ Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just traded loads of old DS games to get this. To be honest, if it captures the feel of the films then its a hit with me. Atmopshere is the most important part of a game.

Author:  Amarthadan [ Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

General Haar wrote:
And getting offended at a casual, off-hand remark like that is kind of silly. I always say that when talking or disagreeing with buddies. It's a habit.

Yeah well, I don't mean to be rough, but you're not really my buddies.
I'm not talking to you guys the way I talk to my buddies, it wouldn't really be civilized anymore.

Well some of you are my buddies maybe.^^


Author:  General Haar [ Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Amarthadan wrote:
General Haar wrote:
And getting offended at a casual, off-hand remark like that is kind of silly. I always say that when talking or disagreeing with buddies. It's a habit.

Yeah well, I don't mean to be rough, but you're not really my buddies.
I'm not talking to you guys the way I talk to my buddies, it wouldn't really be civilized anymore.

Well some of you are my buddies maybe.^^

And yet I still think it's ridiculous to be insulted at such a trivial comment. Lighten up.

Still, we're getting off topic.
@Bloke: Do you think it does? The fact that it doesn't seem like LoTR at all is actually one of my main problems.

Author:  Amarthadan [ Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

General Haar wrote:
Amarthadan wrote:
General Haar wrote:
And getting offended at a casual, off-hand remark like that is kind of silly. I always say that when talking or disagreeing with buddies. It's a habit.

Yeah well, I don't mean to be rough, but you're not really my buddies.
I'm not talking to you guys the way I talk to my buddies, it wouldn't really be civilized anymore.

Well some of you are my buddies maybe.^^

And yet I still think it's ridiculous to be insulted at such a trivial comment. Lighten up.

Still, we're getting off topic.
@Bloke: Do you think it does? The fact that it doesn't seem like LoTR at all is actually one of my main problems.

I still disagree with you, I'm sorry if I'm overreacting, but what if I was to say: "djeez are you stupid?!" because of the fact you dislike the game?

Anyways, Does anyone know wether there is more than one place and time where you can be a mumak? Cause there is one at weathertop in the story mode, but it's not there in instant action.


Author:  gaarew [ Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Right, let's get this sorted before it escalates...

You guys are all stoopidz... It's a bloody computer game. :P

At the end of the day, opinions are like bum holes. Everyone has one and they all stink.

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