The One Ring

[W]Mirkwood ranger
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Author:  faeg nad teli [ Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  [W]Mirkwood ranger

Hi all, new to this forum.

For my fantasy wood elf army I am looking for the front female mirkwood ranger from the image below. In return I could offer my merry and pippin from the treebeard model (or fantasy / 40k bits). Should I get particularly desperate I might be willing to part with my gimli on dead uruk-hai.
I live in the Netherlands with regards to posting.


EDIT by moderator.

No cash transactions on the One Ring please. Trade item for trade item only.

Author:  Wise Old Elf [ Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [W]Mirkwood ranger

Hello, firstly welcome on board, you're going to have a wail of a time.

Secondly, when you say 'fantasy wood elf army' do you mean Warhammer Fantasy or just a general army you're making? Thirdly, if you're just looking for that single miniature, I'd recommend looking on somewhere like BitzBarn or Element Games. Personally, I'd fork out for the entire Mirkwood Rangers box, I have them myself and they're a dream to paint and simply look at. I don't collect Elves but painting up the 10 rangers made me wish I did, and they always catch my gaze when I'm walking past my display cabinet.

Author:  faeg nad teli [ Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [W]Mirkwood ranger

It's for my warhammer fantasy wood elf army. I'm planning to add her together with tauriel on a forgeworld Carmine dragon as the sisters of twilight.
Sadly I have much to much to paint already to go and get a complete box. On several bits websites I can't find the miniature I want.

So here I am ^_^

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