The One Ring

starting Mordor/Gondor H: only a couple pieces to trade
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Author:  Loganfraser [ Sun May 12, 2013 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  starting Mordor/Gondor H: only a couple pieces to trade

Hello, as the title states I have decided that I am going to start a small army after looking in on the hobby for quite a while,
I would quite like to trade for mordor or gondor.
I havent got too much but this is what I have -

-About 24 rohan warriors, part painted by a younger brother not very well but the paint was thin so could be painted over. (need to check the number)
-8 numenorians
-Dark Eldar Codex
-Black Templar Codex
- Army painter resin bases - ... basing.jpg


Author:  Senator [ Sun May 19, 2013 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: starting Mordor/Gondor H: only a couple pieces to trade

Greetings! I have a new on sprue return of the king box set. That's 24 men of Gondor and 24 mordor orcs... In fact, I think the only thing removed from the box thus far is the tiny terrain sprue (and I still have it, if you wanted it). I don't necessarily need the 40K books you posted... Do you have any other 40K stuff? I paint random stuff, so most any army will do...

And where are you located? International shipping can be a pain...

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