The One Ring

Trading my evil for your men
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Author:  Voidwader [ Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Trading my evil for your men

Trade Form

Country: England, Wiltshire

I appreciate that I'm new here and thus will be susceptible to sending first, this is fine by me.
In general anything painted is done distinctly averagy and I never bothered to base them properly so you'll probably want to re-do them.

I have:
    *Unassembled and unpainted:
    * 12 plastic mordor orcs
    * 12 plastic Harad warriors
    * Metal witch king with mace
    * Metal Sharkey
    * Metal Tom Bombadil (I know he's good but I have loads for some reason)
    *Painted but not terribly well:
    *Orc banner bearer
    * 3 orc siege crew + Siege bow
    *Harad Chieftan mounted and unmounted
    * Saruman
    *1 Ringwraith
    * Orc Shaman
    *5 plastic warg riders (2 spears)
    *1 metal warg rider with bow
    *Gothmog, mounted and unmounted
    *I have a couple of spare Aragorn models and a spare Merry and Legolas too
    *I probably have a few more bits and bobs upstairs in the attic I can look through if you're after something else mordor-y (as long as it hasn't been released recently)

And I would like:
    * In general, anything Gondor, Rohan and Fiefdoms
    * Kingdoms of men Sourcebook
    * Dice
    * Warriors of Minas Tirith
    * Clansmen of Lamedon
    * Axemen of Lossarnach
    * Forlong and Angbar
    * Warriors of Rohan
    * Erkenbrad
    * Rangers of Gondor
    * Knights of Minas Tirith
    * Beregond
    * Madril
    * Woses
    * Warriors of the dead
    * Knights of Dol Amroth
    * Mounted Prince Imrahil
    * Unmounted Faramir, Theoden, Theodred, Eowyn and Eomer

EDIT: Can provide pics if needs be

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trading my evil for your men

Have you got pictures of the siege bow and the orc shaman? Might be able to spare you some WoMT and I have plenty of dice lol.

Author:  Voidwader [ Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trading my evil for your men

I can get some for you, haha, I only have 3 dice :(

Author:  LordElrond [ Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trading my evil for your men

Which erkenbrand I that? Foot or mounted or both?

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trading my evil for your men

Voidwader wrote:
I can get some for you, haha, I only have 3 dice :(

well if you can get those pictures, I'm sure I can sort you out with enough dice and some WoMT. I have plenty of those aswell.

Author:  Mekhlis [ Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trading my evil for your men

Hi, check my trading post ad for possible trades - I have lots of extra Gondor and I'll trade for almost anything on your list.

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