The One Ring

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Author:  Shadowswarm [ Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:11 am ]

This post is only to see which one is more popular, SBG or WOTR


Obviously some people will like having big battles with lots of carnage while not taking a whole day, some people love the smaller, more detailed historic battles, while some people like all the details and massive games while ignoring time.

so please explain what you like/ don't like, but dont banter with people about stuff, I want a forum where everyone can explain while not having to worry about being drowned out by 3 people talking about minor stuff (so dont have 5 posts about why you like wotr... try to keep it all together in 1 or 2 posts (you guys can make another forum to disscuss everything in detail about))

So I'll start:
I love SBG, mostly small historic games where I can re-live(or re-play) all the glory of the LOTR while not getting bored after 6hrs

I won't say much more than that as I have not had the chance to play much WOTR, never had the chance to play big sbg with multiple players. (you guys can go into more detail than I did, I'm just lacking words right now)

(oh, and I put this in the army help place because I think this is where the most people will see it)

Author:  General Elessar [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:16 am ]
Post subject: 

I like SBG because I think it's more strategic and tactical than WotR.

But I also like WotR because it runs quicker and it's more epic. I also like combining Special Rules for better effects, which is harder to do in SBG.

Author:  Raggbur [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I like SBG because you can play all kind of battles with it, sieges, naval battles, skirmish games. And I don't think you can do all that with WoTR

But I would like to try WoTR because you got all those great formation bonusses! And its a LOT easyer to move your troops.
But damn, you need a lot of models and movement trays!

Author:  CreatureFear [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:27 am ]
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I, generally, like SBG more - I would use WOTR instead of playing out 1500+ battles in SBG as that gets incredibly tedious. SBG is really a skirmish game and WOTR lets you play out incredibly large battles faster and easier. I wouldn't call one more 'tactical' than the other, they have different sorts of tactics because they're different ways of playing the game - doesn't mean there's nothing there. In the end I'll take both - but I play SBG more because I like the intricacies that get lost in much larger battles (and I think the system is much better for re-creating 90% of the stuff from the books and movies).

Author:  emperor_thompson [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have only played SBG, but enjoy it alot. I like the way heroes are portrayed in the game, and the whole individual based combat system. Any warrior can potentially be a mighty hero. Also, I have slowly been modifying the SBG system to better suit my personal tastes with house rules.

I would like to have a look at the WotR rulebook, but can't justify the expense of buying it as I would only really use it for ideas for more SBG house rules.

Author:  Ukfreddybear [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:57 pm ]
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SBG all the way for me. I love how every model can move individually and agree it is more strategic than WotR. I've tried WotR 3or 4 times and have decided it's not for me. Throwing bucketfuls of dice and wiping out 50 miniatures in one turn that have taken 3 months to paint just isn't my idea of fun at all.

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

I_like_the_SBG_but_since_i_really_haven´t_played_WOTR_then_i_can´t _give_any thoughts_on_this_matter_ :rofl:

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

SBG is definitely my fav of the two systems. I really like the rules, enjoy the individual-model scale and think the scenarios are great…both for pick-up games and for reproducing most parts of the book/films. I do enjoy playing WotR with my local group and, though we have really been WotR focused lately, I imagine over the rest of this year and into next we’ll start settling down to something like 50/50 between the two games. If I had to pick one or the other it would be SBG though without hesitation (though I do wish GW would do a clean-slate redo of all Profiles and costs in SBG to get rid of stat-creep that plagued late releases and nerfed much of the early stuff).

And as long as WotR has given GW an incentive to keep the hobby going I’m not going to say anything bad about it. And nothing else was really giving me the kick-in-the-pants to dive in and paint up some of my backlog like trying to get large WotR forces on the table, so I have to thank them for that too (I was getting too "comfortable" with my current SBG forces). The WotR system has its issues (magic being the worse love-hate relationship I have with any game system) and I have the sense that it actually plays “too fast”…infantry armies have so many options to close so quick that ranged fire/cavalry/siege weapons hardly matter, and damage is dealt in such broad strokes that dozens of models can be removed from the board in seconds. But it’s still fun to put over 200 models on the table between you and not have to worry about the store closing before you really even get going in combat.

It’s almost like the movies. The opening prologue Last Alliance battle, Helms Deep and siege of Gondor are fun to watch with large numbers of nameless warriors appearing from the background and being cut down in moments, but you have to get down to the individual scale to have a real story to base three large books and nine hours of film around. WotR has that "fun but less filling" feel for me, like eating popcorn. SBG has meat on the bones.

Author:  Darthvegeta800 [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:34 pm ]
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WOTR though the SBG does seem quite interesting. For now I'll focus on WOTR. I have work enough with WH40K and trying to finish my Fantasy Dark Elves before I move into yet another ruleset...

Author:  Queen Berúthiel [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:46 pm ]
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well i have only played sbg so i like that most but i would like to try Wotr but my father won´t let me play more than one game

Author:  General Elessar [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:51 pm ]
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Beowulf03809 wrote:
I have the sense that it actually plays “too fast”…infantry armies have so many options to close so quick that ranged fire/cavalry/siege weapons hardly matter, and damage is dealt in such broad strokes that dozens of models can be removed from the board in seconds.

Yes, I think that's the one of the main reasons why SBG is more strategic: it's so difficult to plan ahead in WotR as the game changes so quickly.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Queen Berúthiel wrote:
well i have only played sbg so i like that most but i would like to try Wotr but my father won´t let me play more than one game

On the plus side, it's all the same models. Just more of them. you could almost even get away with not picking up the rules for a long time if you have a friend that will let you shre them for a while until you learn. I have tried to get into a couple other game systems ( Flames of War, Battlefleet Gothic, a couple others) but I really just don't have a lot of time/money to put to multiple miniature sets, but at least all my LotR minis work as well for SBG as WotR.

Author:  Dannis [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:11 pm ]
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Well I have to say WotR. WotR was the system that got me back to LotR. I have played SBG for quite a while, but the 'win fight but don't kill goes on for rounds' is what took me away from SBG.
Dont' get me wrong, I like to play SBG, but because the game became so dull for me (especially since I played more 40k) I left all my mini's to the side.
Now that I have played quite allot of games of WotR the past week, I really love to give my old models some new love. I will still play a SBG once in a while, but WotR will be my new focus for my Elves.

Author:  westfold [ Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:25 am ]

sbg for me, but i looooovvvvveeeee play 1500 point sbg games, doing like two on two so its not too slow. just huge and awesome

Author:  hobbitsrule22 [ Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:56 pm ]

hmmm difficult i like sbg its fun good for small battles and allthough its a bit slow and the magic is rubbish but its fun and for me its about having fun and modeling and them being individules gives you a great oppertunity to paint them well. i also like wotr again its fun and its faster and magic is better but to be honest im not sure i enjoy it as much. i think sbg and warhammer are my fun games whilst wotr is my tournament game but i enjoy it. im going to have to say i enjoy them as much as each over

Author:  Karvag [ Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:32 pm ]

i love sbg cos it is slightly more tactical, and i like the
small battles

Author:  Dark Lord [ Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:10 pm ]

I actually started out playing wotr, but then I tried playing sbg and i liked it alot more than wotr. wotr just has so many rules problems, and sbg doesnt really have any. also, because the armies are smaller, i can focus on detail on my models instead of trying to spit them out as fast as possible

Author:  General Elessar [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:34 pm ]

Dark Lord wrote:
I actually started out playing wotr, but then I tried playing sbg and i liked it alot more than wotr. wotr just has so many rules problems, and sbg doesnt really have any. also, because the armies are smaller, i can focus on detail on my models instead of trying to spit them out as fast as possible

Interesting, I know only a few players that have started with WotR and then begun SBG. It's also interesting that you found lots of rule problems with WotR, I too found that but I thought that was because I was comparing it with SBG, and the rules weren't as bad as I imagined.

Author:  Karvag [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:53 pm ]

i am downloading lord of the rings online now FOR FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author:  hobbitsrule22 [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:54 pm ]

er im pretty sure that shud go in other lotr games not army help :pippin:

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