The One Ring

combined armys?
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Author:  osric [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  combined armys?

can i combine armys as like this:

combine some elf archers with some dwarf warriors, then some rohan riders with dul-amroth riders. and the mixed captains and heroes?

i was wonderin that

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

There is a difference based on if you're looking at the Strategy Battle Game (SBG) using Legions of MiddleEarth (LoME) rules, or if you're looking at the War of the Ring ( WotR ) game.

In SBG, each allied faction must be allowed to ally with each other. You can't chain allies. So Dwarf would have to be allowed to ally with both Rohan and Elf, and Elf must be able to ally with both Dwarf and Rohan, etc. This will eliminate some of your options immediately.

Next, each one of those groups must be legal on its own merits. This means each group must have it's own Hero (can be a generic Captain), must not have more than 33% of its models using bows, etc. So you can't have all your Elves using bows…only 1/3 of them.

Finally, only a limited percentage of your total points can be tied up in allies. I can't remember the LoME legal limit right now, but I want to say it was 1/3. I'm sure someone can clarify that.

For War of the Ring you have a little more flexibility but also different limits. Only 25% of your points can come from allies so your core list is more important. And then there are all the rules around number of Common Companies & Formations vs. Rare/Legendary and the additional complications of Battlehosts if used. But when you do include an allied force the individual Formations are not as restricted in terms of bow limits in many cases. So you could have a force of Dwarf infantry backed with some Formations of Elf archers without needing to include any other Elves to keep at a 33% max. But only 25% of your points can be tied up in those Elf archers (or any other combo of allies).

Hope this helps.

Author:  whafrog [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Beowulf03809 wrote:
Finally, only a limited percentage of your total points can be tied up in allies. I can't remember the LoME legal limit right now, but I want to say it was 1/3. I'm sure someone can clarify that.

I couldn't find anything in LoME about alliance limits, I don't think it matters for SBG.

Author:  hobbitsrule22 [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Aslong as the alies ar les in pts an numbers they can alie, in sbg i dont think they can but im not compleatly sure

Author:  spuds4ever [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes. Note you'll have to have limitations (like archers) on each seperate force as well. E.G, you couldn't have in your force 24 dwarves with shield and 12 elves with elf bow as that would not obey the restrictions for the allied elves.

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