The One Ring

Aragorn Lists
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Author:  Elessar95 [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:52 am ]
Post subject:  Aragorn Lists

Does anyone here have any good Aragorn lists doesn't matter what verison.
How do you think this list would do against Legolas and some Wood Elves?

350 Pts - The Grey Company Roster - Aragorn with GC

Hero (1#, 185 pts)
1 Aragorn / Strider @ 185 pts (Mighty Hero; Hand Weapon; Bow; Armour)

Minor Hero (1#, 25 pts)
1 Rangers of the North @ 25 pts (Hand Weapon; Bow; Armour)

Minor Hero (1#, 25 pts)
1 Rangers of the North @ 25 pts (Hand Weapon; Bow; Armour)

Minor Hero (1#, 25 pts)
1 Rangers of the North @ 25 pts (Hand Weapon; Bow; Armour)

Warriors (9#, 72 pts)
9 Rangers of Arnor @ 72 pts (Hand Weapon; Bow; Armour)

Warriors (2#, 18 pts)
2 Rangers of Arnor @ 18 pts (Hand Weapon; Spear; Bow; Armour)

Total Roster Cost: 350
Model Count:15

I know its a small model count but its for fun game with a friend who wants to play.

Author:  Mor-galad of Greenwood [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:01 am ]
Post subject: 

That is a shooting war of attrition that won't quit.

He'll probably have 11 shots/turn. Your defense is the same and you hit 33% of your shots while he's hitting 50% of his shots. You both will probably do ~2 wounds/turn and if you start 24" apart you will likely be broken before he is and (unfortunately) that could before close combat. He only needs to remove 8 rangers to achieve that. You might have to out might him on heroic shoots to get all the wounds you can.

Good luck.

Do a battle report. I'd like to hear how it turns out.

Author:  Elessar95 [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:01 am ]
Post subject: 

I will. he plays 40k so LOTR is new to him and I want to do a fun game with him Aragorn vs Legolas is always fun. He will only has 26 guys.

Author:  Mor-galad of Greenwood [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am in favor of your friend upgrading from 40K to LoTR! 8)

26? He can still only have 8 bowmen. 1 of them is Legolas and he gets 3 shots to make 11 shots/turn for him. And you have 15/turn. I predict that whoever has the first REALLY good shooting round will win.

Author:  spuds4ever [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mor-galad of Greenwood wrote:
I am in favor of your friend upgrading from 40K to LoTR! 8)

26? He can still only have 8 bowmen. 1 of them is Legolas and he gets 3 shots to make 11 shots/turn for him. And you have 15/turn. I predict that whoever has the first REALLY good shooting round will win.

I would normally be criticising the heck out of that list (lol) but I see how it would just be fun to play in a friendly game. :wink:

Author:  Elessar95 [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah. This list won't be going to tournaments just friendly games that we want a classic match up. Like Aragorn vs Boromir, Boromir vs Legolas, Aragorn vs Gimli, and etc.

Author:  Elessar95 [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:32 am ]
Post subject: 

So does anyone here have any Aragorn lists? Doesn't matter what army he is in.

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Well heres mine:

-Aragorn, Strider (bow, elven cloak)-185pts
-Gimli- 90pts
-Legolas (armor)- 95pts

#Grey Company#
-3xRangers of the North (spear)-78pts
-12xRoa (spear)-108pts

#The Dead of Dunharrow#
-The King of the Dead-100pts
-9xWarriors of the Dead-135pts

Bow: 15(+Aragorn and Legolas)
Might:12+1(Mighty Hero)

This is one of my most favored army lists, although recently I have leaned more toward using Aragorn with Rangers of Ithilien armies lead by Faramir.

Author:  Elessar95 [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Okay thanks for sharing. One of mine is this.

Aragorn-185pts (armour,bow)
24 WOMT w/ shields-192pts
10 RoG w/spear-90pts
5 RoG-40pts
8 Citadel Guard w/ spear-72pts

Total Cost:599
Model Count:49

Also here is another one that I like.

600 Pts - The Grey Company Roster

Hero (1#, 185 pts)
1 Aragorn / Strider @ 185 pts (Mighty Hero; Hand Weapon; Bow; Armour)

Minor Hero (1#, 25 pts)
1 Rangers of the North @ 25 pts (Hand Weapon; Bow; Armour)

Minor Hero (1#, 25 pts)
1 Rangers of the North @ 25 pts (Hand Weapon; Bow; Armour)

Warriors (8#, 64 pts)
8 Rangers of Arnor @ 64 pts (Hand Weapon; Bow; Armour)

Minor Hero (1#, 55 pts)
1 Captain of Minas Tirith [ectht] @ 55 pts (Hand Weapon; Shield; Heavy Armour)

Warrior (12#, 96 pts)
12 Warrior of Minas Tirith [ectht] @ 96 pts (Hand Weapon; Shield; Heavy Armour)

Warrior (8#, 72 pts)
8 Warrior of Minas Tirith [ectht] @ 72 pts (Hand Weapon; Spear; Shield; Heavy Armour)

Guard (8#, 72 pts)
8 Citadel Guard [ectht] @ 72 pts (Bodyguard; Hand Weapon; Spear; Heavy Armour)

Total Roster Cost: 594
Model Count:40

Author:  Imperator [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

For 350 grey company you can do:

Aragorn-armour,horse 190pts
Elladan and Elrohir-horses 160pts

Putting a lot of faith in dice rolling but hey, 3 badass heroes and a whole load of might points 8)

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

It´s kinda boring playing solely with Heroes, except if you are pitched against heroes as well... IMO

Author:  Elessar95 [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

It depends what Heroes you are using. Take the Fellowship for example they are fun to play to your force will be small. Anymore Aragorn lists?

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well Fellowship yes, cause they are actually so different but usually people don´t play with such contrast... :rofl:

Author:  spuds4ever [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I like the second 600 points list, solid numbers and might and archery. 8)

Author:  Elessar95 [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks. Which one? The one with Aragorn and Damrod or Aragorn and Captain?

Author:  General Elessar [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mouth-of-Sauron wrote:
Well heres mine:

-Aragorn, Strider (bow, elven cloak)-185pts
-Gimli- 90pts
-Legolas (armor)- 95pts

#Grey Company#
-3xRangers of the North (spear)-78pts
-12xRoa (spear)-108pts

#The Dead of Dunharrow#
-The King of the Dead-100pts
-9xWarriors of the Dead-135pts

Bow: 15(+Aragorn and Legolas)
Might:12+1(Mighty Hero)

How many points is that altogether?

Author:  Elessar95 [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's like 800pts. I haven't played the Army of the Dead so I wouldn't know this but I think they are too over priced and aren't worth it.

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh no they are not, they are sooooo goood.... worth every penny.... They wound everyone (almost every evil troop) on 4+ and if you use Rangers with spears to support them, it aint too hard to win fights either, AND they cause terror which means that mostly they get to choose where and with whom to fight,, and one more thing is that enemy wounds The Dead on 6s (mostly) now tell me that they are overpriced :rofl:

but yeah it´s 800pts (actually 796, so you could even give Aragorn armor

Its my best army... but I´m thinking of removing Gimli and Legolas in favor of more dead guys and Halbarad with Banner

Author:  General Elessar [ Sun Jun 27, 2010 7:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can you support the Warriors of the Dead with spears? I thought the special rule (can't remember what it's called) prevents it.

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes they can be supported, you maybe thinking of the rule "the living and the dead" which the Dead King has, but it only prevents the good models from using the Kings stand fast... and thats all...

Its kinda cheesy to support them but it is perfectly possible... :rofl:

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