The One Ring

mordor army 500 "new player"
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Author:  ithuriel [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  mordor army 500 "new player"

Hi me and my friend "kithiva" have resently bought our self a rohan and a mordor army. I who is gona play mordor have bought

8x Mordor orcs with Bows
8x Mordor orcs with 2-handed weapons
8x Mordor orcs with hand weapon + shield
12x Morannon orcs with spears and shield
12x Morannon orcs with hand weapons & shield
1x Morannon orc captain
1x The Witchking of Angmar on horse

as im new to the game i have propably made some mistakes forming the army. if you have any tip pleas inform me. gona expand it and make it a 1000 points army later but atm only using 500 points

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's work to make a list from scratch. There are a lot of Mordor lists in this forum, so you should browse through them and look for something you like. Then make your own list and present it for critique.

Author:  ithuriel [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

this is my curent mordor list

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Somehow I doubt your list fits into 500 points exactly. Maybe you're asking for help to make it fit into 500 points, in which case, see my previous post. If you're not sure how many points each model costs, you'll need the Mordor sourcebook, or find them on GW's site. We can't post them directly here.

If you look at the other lists, you'll see it's helpful to put the point costs for each group and hero, total points cost, total might, total model count, and total bows. Do the work and you'll get some feedback.

Author:  ithuriel [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

498 points exactly with 25 extra points spent on WK to get his M(3),W(0).FT(2)

Author:  scythewing [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:48 am ]
Post subject: 

With the witch king you might want to add a few more will. You will be amazed how fast you go through it. Not to mention you might want to start out with just a regular ring wraith to get the feel for them then start looking into the named ones. Lets face it you put the witch king on the table your opponent is going to be gunning for him. So make him worth your while.

It took me a while to learn how to play with a ring wraith and once you get the hang of it it’s a blast. At first you are going to be black darting everything in sight and next thing you know poof there goes your character.

Trust me just starting out use a generic one to learn the ropes but use him full power so the 110 points run him with the orcs you got to get the hang of him then bust out the king and make sure to give him the crown, morgle blade and if you want the flail but only if you have points.

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