The One Ring

Seeking Northern Virginia Campaign Players
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Author:  Brian_66 [ Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Seeking Northern Virginia Campaign Players

Seeking new or experienced Lord of the Rings Strategy Battles gamers to participate in a summer campaign starting on, or about, June 1, 2007 at the Game Vault in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

"Darkness Over Angmar" is a miniatures based campaign for 6 players and additional supporting players to recreate the events surrounding the fictional world of Middle Earth created by J.R.R. Tolkien through the use of commercially available wargames. Specifically, this campaign story takes place approximately in 1300-1600 of the Third Age, just before events described in "Lord of the Rings" and revolves around the Witch King's take over of the lands of Angmar and subsequent threat to the lands of Arnor.

Campaign Forces will include:

Forces of Good
Arthedain / Arnor Men, including Rangers (Eric)
Dwarves / of the Blue and Grey Mountains
Rivendale High Elves (Bryan)

Forces of Evil
Witch King of Angmar (Orcs, Men, Specters)
Buhrdur Chieftan of Trolls (Trolls, Orcs, Wargs)
Cardolan (Evil Men)

Event / Scenario Based Participants

Misty Mountains Goblins, Trolls
Barrow-Downs Shades, Barrow-Wights, Specters
Fell Beasts Independent Monsters
Dunland Evil Men
Gondorian Allies Men (Matt Fire)
Old Forrest Treents
The Shire Shire Archers w/Gandalf
The Grey Havens High Elves / Wood Elves (Barry)

Thanks, Brian

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