The One Ring

I need some opponents from Holland, NH. (I live in Alkmaar)
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Author:  Éonèr [ Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  I need some opponents from Holland, NH. (I live in Alkmaar)

OK, here comes the saddest story about SBG that you've ever heard.

In my city, there are very few LOTR SBG collectors, as far as I know 3, my cousin, my friend and I. When I come in the local GW, there's nobody ( only warhammer fans :( ) ( and of course the clerk ).

And here comes the bad thing : my friend doesn't like the SBG game ! :shock: He thinks it's just boring !

Because I don't have anybody to play against, except for my cousin, which I've played against for 2 times in 2 years now, I always play vs. myself.

Playing against yourself can be very ennoying, so I really need an opponent.

Thank you very much.

Author:  Krol [ Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

So, are you in New Hampshire?

You might be interested in this thread then:

Author:  Éonèr [ Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

No, my home country is Holland ( the Netherlands ). It's a small country in the north-west of Europe.

PS. Sorry for my bad English, but my general language isn't English.

EDIT: Sorry I've found the belgian/Dutch topic already, so this topic can be removed.

I'm very sorry for the administrator; the first thing I post isn't of any use :roll: .

Author:  Krol [ Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

No worries. The abbreviation NH suggested the State to me (me being from the US). At the same time, I wasn't sure since you mentioned a very dutch-sounding name "Alkmaar".

You still might want to check out the link, it might prove useful.

Good luck!

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