The One Ring

where is the wolf?
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Author:  Captain Ingold [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

I had noticed a drop in the sarcasm ratings recently, but attribituted it to my recent absence. I do hope he's back soon, though I have no idea why I would :P .

Author:  Phantom_Lord [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Adanedhel wrote:
sorry Joansean, there are a lot of veterans which i haven't seen posting for a while, but Gaarew is one of the more noticed presences, you're to modest to be noticed like that :oops:
(never thought I'd say that to a Dutchmen, I generally like them (more then those of my own country statistically actually) but modestety is not one of the most common treats there :P )

I'm taking that as an offence! choose you're weapon and prepare to duel!
just joking, i know no offence was intented.

have to say i'm missing the big bad (green) wolf too...

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