The One Ring

Russian Alternatives Elves
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Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Sat Sep 23, 2017 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Russian Alternatives Elves

My parcel from Russian Alternatives arrived on Friday. It arrived in almost half the time given, so that was a real nice surprise. I ordered their 10 Elves with Spears, and if you'd like to see a pic, you will have to look on ebay, as photobucket is now photosuckit. I paid 19.50 USD including shipping for the set, which is quite reasonable. You receive 5 different body sculpts, 2 of each.

The models are beautifully cast, with almost no flash or strings hanging off and pinpoint, if any, air bubbles. The spear arms and heads are cast separately and are interchangeable. The lines are deep and clear and will be a joy to paint.

The only fault, and it is a major one for me, is that these guys are tiny. They are really closer to 20mm than 28. My beautiful elves are only as tall as a dwarf. Still, I think I will paint them up and use them as alternatives (see what I did there?) :rofl: for Guards of the Galadhrim Court. I thought they'd look nice protecting Galadriel. If all else fails, they'll make nice statues.

Author:  zirrian [ Thu Oct 26, 2017 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Russian Alternatives Elves

Can you take photos of their size? I also bought them, but they were nowhere near what you described them sizewise...


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