The One Ring

Back but forgotten everything
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Author:  Fall of Fingolfin [ Mon May 03, 2010 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Back but forgotten everything

Hey everyone
not sure if you remember me but i use to be on this site quite alot, i went of the hobby months ago, but just this morning i got the erge to get back into the hobby.
but i have forgotten everything about painting and dident know where to start.
any help?
also could anyone tell me if the last alliance is back online?
much appreiated

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Mon May 03, 2010 9:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Matt! Welcome back!

They can never stay away, as Mac always says...this hobby is just too addictive....

TLA has some new forums up, but unfortunately the old site isn't up, and may never be (you'd have to ask someone who knows more about it, I haven't kept up with the news)

Here's the link to the new forums.

I'd personally suggest to read every single article you can get your hands on. Try out painting a couple of miniatures, you may remember more than you think. And, if not, the best way to learn is by experience, so just follow the brush....


Author:  Blue Dragon [ Tue May 04, 2010 4:53 am ]
Post subject: 

The old TLA will never be back. It and all its content were lost forever. The mods are working on building a new and better site, and the terrainguid forums are just a temprary home, that I believe was first spawned the last time there was a TLA scare (November '08 I think) before it went down permanently.

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