The One Ring

Self made Collectors' Guide
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Author:  TheBucklandBrewer [ Fri Oct 30, 2009 11:19 am ]
Post subject: 

The plastic fellowship is completely at the end... I noticed aswell, till the last page, heh...
Perhaps it might be interesting putting them on the characters-pages aswell?

I might still have all the covers of the BGIME mags, I once scanned them all for the list we have in our forum here:
When I find the time, I'll check the numbers and see if I still haev them (possibly somewhere on a CDR... which might have got lost during the moving...)

Sadly enough just this week I've been hacking and cutting look a lunatic through my plastics and took em all off the sprues to make some free space again since the shelf was overloaded... but I'll see what's still left to take some photo's of what you might want to use...

About the uruk-hai scout captain and the mordor uruk-hai limited models... as far as I know they have never been officially released and should be labeled as 'unreleased' (such as the morgul stalker and so on...) (however, if things come so far that you can convince me they have been officially released... :-X than my search must go on... :? )

Very nice work all-over, I really love the diorama's and stuff in there!! Very beautifull work I've never seen before!! Well done!

Author:  MacGothmog [ Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great work mate.

This deserves a sticky! 8)

Author:  TheBucklandBrewer [ Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh, forgot to say... the Balrog with metal wings isn't mentioned, right?

I can photograph those wings aswell if you like ;)

Author:  Miniman [ Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:36 pm ]
Post subject: 


Thanks for the BGIME covers. I'll complete the list soon. :)
Only a pic of the binder is missing. (The green one.) :)

The plastic fellowship is really out of the line for me. I don't like them at all and they were not made by the Perry twins. So I put them at the end of the guide.

The balrog is there. Only the metal wings are not mentioned.
Do you think I should notice the two different wings?

The pics about the sprues would be fine.

Thanks for all the support.


Author:  Miniman [ Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you have pictures of these. Please send them to me.

The green one:

The FOTR special edition:


Author:  Nevinsrip [ Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:01 am ]

All I get is a blank page when I try to open this link. Can anyone tell what I am doing wrong or how to get thei guide a different way? Thanks.

Author:  Kafer [ Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:43 am ]
Post subject: 

I had the same problem when trying to open it directly in the browser. You should try downloading it directly:

Right click -> save as (or save link as)

Worked for me.

Author:  Miniman [ Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:39 am ]
Post subject: 


I've uploaded the new version, and deleted the old. That was the problem.

The new link:


Author:  The Last Ranger [ Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Great work miniman.

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gosh, that must have taken a while :shock:

Great job! :yay:

Author:  Kili [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have a question: on page 56 you have this model: Frodo wearing the One Ring /Special Edition Model/. Does the base actually has a mini on it or is it just a base?

Author:  Witch-King at Carn Dum [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 3:06 pm ]
Post subject: 


fantastic work, a real labour of love!

I really enjoyed version 1.0 and now 2.1 is even better. That is what I call a real collector´s guide. :yay:

Nevertheless I´d like to make two suggestions:

1. Would you mind integrating your email-adress or do you not want to do that because of proecting yourself? The reason why I ask is: when I thought it was time for an updated version I had a real hard time in finding the place where I downloaded version 1.0 and it took me some time to find it here again on
Might be easier to contact you when adding an email-adress or even better a website.

2. To make the guide complete (well better say up-to-date) you should probably add the different dice sets which have been published with the startersets for TTT and RotK. I think they deserve to be mentioned in your guide.

Thank you very much for your great work and have a merry x-mas and a happy new year with lots of fun with wargaming in Middle-Earth!

Author:  lordstijn [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 6:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

absolutly awesome!!!
I love this guide. (I didn't new that there were so much frodo's)

I've never heard of a rohan royal guard banner bearer, does it still exist?

I really like the diorama's,have you made them yourself?

Author:  Miniman [ Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  New version


I've just updated the collector's guide with the latest minis, and also added a couple of changes. 8)

I hope you still find it useful.
And if you have pictures about missing minis or sprues, please send those to me. :pray:


Author:  Witch-King at Carn Dum [ Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you very much for your latest edition. This is surely one thing I download asap when hearing of a new release!

Great work and I can imagine how many hours of image editing etc. went into this.

One thing though and I think I have mentioned it before: for a complete summary, the collector´s guide is still missing the dice sets which should be in it. If you can consider this for the next edition, it would surely improve a nearly unimprovable fan product!

Best regards and Köszönöm!

Peter :yay:

Author:  Miniman [ Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Szívesen. :)

Witch-King at Carn Dum wrote:
One thing though and I think I have mentioned it before: for a complete summary, the collector´s guide is still missing the dice sets which should be in it. If you can consider this for the next edition, it would surely improve a nearly unimprovable fan product!

On the last page I started this, but I did not found good pictures about the dice sets, only the latest one. So I'm working on it. I hope I'll be able to complete it soon.

Author:  Boseafus [ Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks again for updating this pdf. You did a great job putting it together and I am going to begin the process of converting my old lists over to this (and seeing if anything is missing).

The one question I have is if there would be a way to change the permissions in the future only to allow us to avoid printing a 200 page document but simply checking boxes digitally?

The only other issue I see (again I'm new to this document so forgive me) would be with what to do when you update every few months. At this time, it looks like the only alternative would be to reprint the whole document and start again. Or are new figures added at the end (so we only print out a few pages).

Thanks again for the hard work. BTW...regarding photos that are missing, I have some of those figures both painted and unpainted(some even painted well). Would you like me to snap some shots of those as I organize?

Author:  Miniman [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Boseafus wrote:
The only other issue I see (again I'm new to this document so forgive me) would be with what to do when you update every few months. At this time, it looks like the only alternative would be to reprint the whole document and start again. Or are new figures added at the end (so we only print out a few pages).

When GW releases new figures I try to place them in the document without modifing the whole structure.
For example, with the new ringwraith, I try to modify only that page where the ringwraiths are.
Sometimes it's working, like with the new Saruman, Mauhur, Thrydan Wolfsbane or the Battlehosts book ...
...and sometimes not. :(
In those cases I have to insert new pages. But only the new one or the ones that are next to the new will change. So you only need to print one or two (maybe three) pages. All the other pages remain the same, except the page numbering.
If you use a loose-leaf notebook then it's easy to insert the new pages, and keep it updated. :)

Author:  Gorak [ Wed May 05, 2010 12:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi there!

I'd love to take a look at this guide but my Acrobat Reader won't open it.
I tried to open it directly with my browser (Firefox) - got an error.

I downloaded and saved the pdf - Reader says: Acrobat can't decrypt this document. (Reader is fully updated)

Any help out there for me?

Thanks in advance,

Author:  Emi78 [ Wed May 05, 2010 5:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gorak wrote:
Hi there!

I'd love to take a look at this guide but my Acrobat Reader won't open it.
I tried to open it directly with my browser (Firefox) - got an error.

I downloaded and saved the pdf - Reader says: Acrobat can't decrypt this document. (Reader is fully updated)

Any help out there for me?

Thanks in advance,

Same here, i solved it clicking right button and choosing "save link as", then i can open it normally.

Thanks Miniman for your hard work, very very usefull :yay:

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