The One Ring

Full list of the Kings of Gondor
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Author:  Tarondor [ Thu Nov 18, 2004 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Full list of the Kings of Gondor

Here they are :
Ilsildur - Joint King, brother of Anarion, King after Anarions death
Anarion - Joint King, King while Ilsildur was fighting in Arnor
Meneldil - Son of Anarion, 3rd king of Gondor, instructed by Ilsildur to be King
Cemendur - 4th King
Earendil - 5th King
Anardil - 6th King, Anardil was the last king to dwell excusivly at Osgiliath
Ostoher - 7th king, began a tradition to spend the summer in Minas Anor(minis Tirith after a few years)
Romendacil I - 8th King
Tuambar - 9th King
Atanatar I - 10th King He was a direct descendant of Elendil's second son AnĂ¡rion
Siriondil - 11th king
Falastur - 12th king, frst childless king, nephew succeeded him
Earnil - 13th King
Ciryandi - 14th King
Hyarmendacil - 15th King
Atanatar II - 16th King, Sons were Narmacil and Calmacil
Narmacil - 17th King, Lazy and childless
Calmacil - 18th king, Younger brother of Narmacil I
Romendacil II - 19th king, Romendacil name taken to honor his victories. (-dacil means victor)
Valacar - 20th king
Eldacar - 21st king,He killed Castamir at the Battle of the Crossings of Erui, using w/ROR
Castamir - 22nd King, ruled while Eldacar fled to Rhovanion
Aldamir - 23rd king, Younger son of Eldacar
Hyarmendacil II - 24th king, Vinyarion was his birth name, taking the Hyarmendacil name for his victory over the Haradrim
Minardil - 25th king
Telemnar - 26th king
Tarondor - 27th king, Longest reign of any King of Gondor,Moved the King's residence to Minas Arnor, Planted a sapling of the White Tree
Telumehtar Umbardacil - 28th king, Stopped Umbar's raids by taking it, added Umbardacil to his title.
Narmacil II - 29th king, Slain fighting the Wainriders. Son was Calimehtar
Calimehtar - 30th king, Won a great victory over the Wainriders, who were weakened by a rebellion in Rhovanion
Ondoher - 31st king. Wainriders and Haradrim united and attacked Gondor
Earnil II - 32nd king
Earnur - 33rd king, got challenged by the Witch-king, he went to Minas Morgul and was never seen again
Aragorn II - 34th King, one of the nine walkers(fellowship), ended the line of stewards

Author:  Morgoth, Lord Of Evil [ Sun Nov 21, 2004 12:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great idea Harad_Mahud!

This will definately help people who want to convert their models after the kings of old. Anyone else like to see a list of rulers for other parts of Middle-Earth (eg Rohan)? I know i would! :D

Author:  Pantera [ Sun Nov 21, 2004 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great work Tarondor. Why are you called Harad-Mahud as you are clearly not called that!!! Have you changed your name of something???

Author:  Morgoth760 [ Sun Nov 21, 2004 1:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very useful Tarondor! I'm sure this will some in handy for a lot of people.

@Ring: Yes he changed his name from Harad_Mahud.


Author:  Tarondor [ Sun Nov 21, 2004 1:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Want me to do rulers of Rohan?
I'll make a new thread if you want?
How about it?

- Shepo

Author:  Gstormcrow [ Sun Nov 21, 2004 6:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

How about just posting a link like this

That has all the kings of gondor and details on each one. Everything about lotr can be found on that site.

If anyone wants info on any other kings or anything related to lotr go to


Author:  Gothmog Rulez! [ Wed Feb 09, 2005 7:47 am ]
Post subject: 

its good mustve taken you ages to do the list :lol:

Author:  Brandir [ Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Why don't people simply read LOTR Appendix A Annals of the Kings and Rulers?

It lists, with dates and a condensed history, the kings and rulers of:

The Northern Line (Arnor - Arthedain - Chieftains)
The Southern Lines (including Ruling Stewards)
The Kings of the Mark
Durin's Folk

A wonderful read; highly recommended.

Author:  FirieloftheHavens [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Youy can find the stuff in Tolkien's books but with a list like this you can be more concise: thanks, it is very useful.

Author:  Elessar Telcontar [ Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Full list of the Kings of Gondor

Where it is possibly to change name? It is not an option under 'Edit Account Settings'.

Author:  spearss91 [ Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Full list of the Kings of Gondor

you done many efforts to make this list. So this is too good... :D

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