The One Ring

The hunt for Gollum
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Author:  Farmer Giles of Ham [ Fri May 28, 2010 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  The hunt for Gollum

Ok i might just have missed a thread, and mabye this is even the wrong forum but..

well i just found this vid on Youtube:'
i am sure i am not the first to find this, but i watched it and was completley amazed!

I mean come on! Aragorn even looks a little like himself and the orcs are really cool!

Anyway i was just wondering about the opinions of other people of this film

also i would love some information about it (like when and where it was made ect.)

Respect for those movie makers!
:yay: 8)

Author:  Pinky Beecroft [ Sat May 29, 2010 8:07 am ]
Post subject: 

I've managed to get through the first three minutes of it, I just don't get the obsession with filling The Prancing Pony with demented pillocks! In the original movies and in this one. Never once reading the books have I gotten the impression that The Prancing Pony was frequented by shady characters and cackling old hags but anyway I shall endeavor to watch it til the end.

Author:  Pinky Beecroft [ Sat May 29, 2010 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The hunt for Gollum

If you're a fan of this please DON'T read on, you have been warned :no:

Farmer Giles of Ham wrote:
Ok i might just have missed a thread, and mabye this is even the wrong forum but..

well i just found this vid on Youtube:'
i am sure i am not the first to find this, but i watched it and was completley amazed!

I mean come on! Aragorn even looks a little like himself and the orcs are really cool!

Anyway i was just wondering about the opinions of other people of this film

also i would love some information about it (like when and where it was made ect.)

Respect for those movie makers!
:yay: 8)

I don't want to tear shreds off these people; as you say respect to them, but a few things have irked me.
I'm now about nine minutes in and Aragorn has met another dunedain and introduces himself as "Strider" which the other guy seems to know. As far as I recall (correct me if I am wrong) he was called Strider by the folk of Bree in a slightly derogatory manner. Why would he introduce himself to his kinsman by some nickname given him by a bunch of yokels!
Eleven minutes in and Gollum is now being portrayed as some demented denizen of evil, "a ghost who drinks blood" and snatches kiddies :roll:

Oh God!!! It's getting painful now :shock: Apparently Aragorn has been taking tips from David Copperfield and can make an entire Orc just disappear :o

*Must... control... cynicism...*

O... M... G... I almost feel like clawing the eyes out of my skull to stop the horror!!! The way Aragorn captures Gollum is just pathetically laughable, best kept for ACME moments in cartoons. If you can endure it to seventeen minutes you'll see what I mean.

*Hold... on... cynicism... failing...*

And that has to be the worst flailing about in a sack I've ever had the misfortune of witnessing :shock:

My skin is physically crawling watching this but it's like a car crash, I just can't tear my eyes away!

... the fight scene's absolutely horrendous...

For Gods sake Arwen had better be a total babe...
... nope

Nice hands though and at least he gets a snog out of it.

Thank god it's over.

Sorry for such a scathing revue, I know it was a no budget fan film but the more I watched it the less I could bear the cliches, the poor plot, the ... well everything.
If any One-Ringers were involved in this I apologise now for offending. I know I couldn't do better that's why I leave it to the professionals.
And, I'm done.

Author:  Farmer Giles of Ham [ Sat May 29, 2010 7:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow! Wat a review!

well i agree that there are alot of very weird parts, but what i was mostly amazed by was the likness to the film (i.e Aragorn is in the "correct costume", Gandalf looks like himself.. wells sorta)

i agree that the plot and story is not the best, and that it is very paehthic, and there are very many parts that dosnt fit. However i liked the intro, and the end scene.

And i think the orcs looks quite good...

but i agree that Arwen was a complete letdown

any other onpinions?

Author:  Jamros [ Sat May 29, 2010 8:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like the film but it did have some major flaws. I can accept them due to the fact that it was low budget, non-profit. Now Born of Hope is simply terrible and I cannot appreciate it. Its just wrong and bad in nearly every way, save the costumes and CGI cave troll.

I thought the Arwen was very attractive! :roll: And, to be honest, I don't find Liv Tyler, the "real" Arwen, to be all that great.

Author:  Ukfreddybear [ Sat May 29, 2010 10:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

The fan films have been out for a while now. For feedback over a year old try checking out these threads:

And for the record - I enjoyed them both. Considering the shoestring budget, I think they were extremely well done all things considered. I'd rather watch these than the Ralph Whatisname animated lotr anyday of the week.

Author:  Farmer Giles of Ham [ Sat May 29, 2010 10:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks Ukfreddybear!

What is this born of hope by the way?
i havent seen it... so any feedbacks there? ( well i guess Jamros didnt like it.. :lol: )

Author:  Pinky Beecroft [ Sat May 29, 2010 11:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jamros wrote:
I thought the Arwen was very attractive! :roll: And, to be honest, I don't find Liv Tyler, the "real" Arwen, to be all that great.

Aaaaargh... the blasphemy :o :shock:
Liv Tyler is a slammin' hottie! :oops:

Granted the Arwen in this isn't butt ugly but after the gaudy sequence of disappointments endured to that point they really needed a smoking hot babe to kick it home for them, didn't deliver for me.

I understand it is a no budget fan film but I would have been more impressed if they put their own spin on it instead of trying to imitate the original movies too much. I don't understand how New Line have let this one get away when they hunt down and pressure mini makers because their dwarf looks too much like Gimli or something (when Gimli looks too much like your stereotypical fantasy dwarf anyway!) when in this flick the music is too similar, the font is identical, the style is identical, clearly ripping off many parts of the originals. I seriously thought that when Gollum speaks in this one that someone had taken a series of sound-bytes from the movies and strung them together in any random order and when he actually has some original dialogue it sounds like the most awful impersonation.

The way he captures Gollum is thoroughly pathetic, I can almost envisage Aragorn as Wile E. Coyote and Gollum as Road Runner it was just that bad.
[spoiler]Aragorn crumbles up a raw fish along a path then drops a rock on Gollum's head when he follows the fish :lol: Ridiculous[/spoiler]

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Sat May 29, 2010 11:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

In the same style as Andrew, here I go....

Two minutes in. Decent first impressions. Narrator's voice is annoying as hell but still, Gollum's voice is pretty good.

Three minutes in--Aragorn looks awful. Gandalf isn't bad. The characters in the Prancing Pony would look just as much at home eating you as being in that inn. Creepy....

Six minutes in. Decent animations for a fan-made film. Orcs look quite good--only bright spot so far. Aragorn could have been a lot better.

Nine minutes in--hmmm. Looking a spot better. Still dislike Aragorn.

Twelve minutes in--can't get past Aragorn's actor. Still, this is looking excellent for a fan-made.

Fourteen minutes in--gushing black blood from the second orc was totally OTT. Still, shaping up to be a good film.

Fifteen minutes in--orcs roaring....Barney is scarier.

Seventeen minutes in--Gollum in a bag. Whole scene was pathetic. Falling into a pit would have been more convincing...did they have him stuck in a bag the whole time so they wouldn't showcase the animation? Which i can't understand, Gollum was decently animated.

Twenty-four minutes in--Fight scene was actually quite good for a fan-made. So kinda meh, instead of horrible :)

Twenty-five minutes in. This fight scene was so horribly copied from Lurtz vs. Aragorn (maybe intentionally?) this whole thing with the orcs roaring....kinda bad...but still a decent fight.

Thirty minutes in. Arwen looked nothing like an elf.

End--overall, a good fan-made. One or two scenes made me cringe, a couple were good, and the rest was certainly a few steps above passable. Now, the old Narnia movies....those should never have existed....I think the sheer horridity of those influenced my overall grade for this flick...which is....

B+ for a fan made.

Author:  Jamros [ Sun May 30, 2010 1:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Thirty minutes in. Arwen looked nothing like an elf.

Yeah, I guess you're right, she doesn't look like an elf at all. But I don't care what you say Pinky Beecroft, I think she's cute! :)

@Farmer Giles of Ham--Born of Hope was another LotR fan film in production for a few years longer than The Hunt for Gollum, and was released a few months after it. BoH revolves around Arathorn and the birth of Aragorn, but a parallel story revolves around some ranger chick and her struggle for love. :no: This latter story is what dominates the fan film. None of the characters are likeable, and only Arathorn and Elladan and Elrohir look like what I'd imagine them to. As a LotR fan, you might as well watch it, but frankly I just didn't like it. :roll:

Author:  emperor_thompson [ Sun May 30, 2010 2:40 am ]
Post subject: 

I think a lot of the critisism is quite harsh. Considering what this humble little film is, I think the producers of it did an excellent job. I thought the locations and cinamatography were excellent, music was well selected, and as far as the fighting is concerned, while there were a few Obi Wan vs. Darth Vadar moments in there, on the whole it was quite good. My one critisism, however, is that I really didn't like the way they stole lines directly from the movies. Would I watch it again, probably not, but it was definitely worth a look.

Author:  Pinky Beecroft [ Sun May 30, 2010 2:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, sometimes you've gotta be harsh mate :P

Author:  BurningMithril [ Sun May 30, 2010 11:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

It wasn't fantastic. It was, however, a good place to sink some time into when you have nothing better to do. I think the fights could have been better, though, And Arwen wasn't all that good. THe Nazgul fight was decent, however, though I would have expected more of one of the Nine.

By the way, it's said in the books somewhere that he does in fact rob cradles and such. I think that it was in the FotR, but don't quote me on that.

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