The One Ring

The Green Dragon Episode 20 - The Past and the Future
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Author:  TheGreenDragon [ Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  The Green Dragon Episode 20 - The Past and the Future

“Where did you go to, if I may ask?' said Thorin to Gandalf as they rode along.
To look ahead,' said he.
And what brought you back in the nick of time?'
Looking behind,' said he.”

The Green Dragon Podcast is looking ahead and behind this week, with the regular 'Month in Middle Earth' segment followed by the new 'What Lies Ahead', where we discuss our plans for the summer holidays.Then, we delve into the past with a look at Legions of Middle Earth, a somewhat controversial entry to the LOTR SBG book collection. Finally, we finish with an Entmoot of queries gathered from our followers at the time of recording, including quite possibly the best question we have ever been asked.

So ride along with Jeremy, David and Matt and be sure to keep your wits about you, for you never know where trolls may be lurking...

Intro (00:00)
Month in Middle Earth (03:05)
What Lies Ahead (53:27)
Shadow in the Past (1:06:16)
Entmoot(2:11:46) ... the-future

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