The One Ring

Wargaming Objectives
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Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Sat Apr 04, 2020 3:49 am ]
Post subject:  Wargaming Objectives

Having read the inspirational "Frostgrave: Perilous Dark" and the excellent campaign of Captain Quark, I've been mulling over making some scenarios for Frostgrave. Every book needs a plot, and every wargaming scenario needs an objective. I have decided to list the types of scenario objectives in an attempt to better design new ones by cherry picking from the objectives, mucking around with terrain and making a story.

1. Movement [make it somewhere]
a. off the board
b. objective marker

2. Obtainment [acquire something]
a. objective marker (treasure, ally)

3. Combat [kill or be killed]
a. defeat a certain monster/opponent's figure
b. defeat a certain number of figures
c. be the last one standing

4. Fortification [Take and/or hold]
a. take strategic point
b. hold strategic point
c. combination of above

5. Endurance [beat the clock]
a. movement: exit the board before time runs out
aa. movement: make it to objective point before time runs out
b. obtainment: gain x objectives before time runs out
bb. obtainment: secure x objectives before time runs out
c. combat: defeat an/all enemies before time runs out
cc. combat: survive until time runs out

Am I missing any? Other things are variations on the theme. Kill a horde of baddies might fit under time or number before you are killed, or they might keep coming to prevent you from securing an objective.

Author:  Mr Gimli [ Sat Apr 04, 2020 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wargaming Objectives

I think you have covered off the main types. Other than that you would have variations and combinations as well as the quirky rules for stealth, siege etc.

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Sat Apr 04, 2020 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wargaming Objectives

Kind of disappointing that there are only really four basic types of scenario. Fortunately, there are all kinds of special rules you can add. There are also a number of variations. Take for instance a variation on 2a+1a+1b. It's not algebra, it's rescue the princess (or Theoden the mad)! You must get to the figure, secure the figure and get it off the board. But wait! The princess has a chance to panic/Theoden's madness overtakes him and s/he tries to run away from your escort, or Theoden attacks the escort depending on a dice roll. Of course, there are baddies or opponents with objectives of their own. Little variations are the spice of wargames and make the otherwise bland table above fun.

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