The One Ring

Tournament questions ?!
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Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Mon Oct 08, 2018 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Tournament questions ?!

Good day,

Not sure where to post this- seemed like the most appropriate place.

The small community in Tallinn (Estonia) might hold a small tourney during the Xmas time, so my question is what are the general good things to follow. I believe there are people here who know a thing or two and organizing / partaking in tournaments of this sort.

The Tourney was intended as a small scale skirmish battles (300 pts) to keep it fast and fun over the course of 1 or 2 weeks. With the results recorded during this period.

What scenarios work best for this kind of endeavor (if any at all) or should it be designed as an outright last man standing ? Also carrying over heroes might will, fate and wounds (+ e.g. D6 M/W/F pnts) ? would that be fun or not at all ? (seeing as horde armies that field lot's of captains might benefit from this more than others)

Your input and help is much appreciated.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Mon Oct 08, 2018 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tournament questions ?!

The tourneys that I have seen have generally been done over the course of a day or two of constant play. The set up for matches was a random first round. First round winners were then randomly paired against other winners and the first round losers with other losers. The winners in the second round, regardless of whether they had won or lost the first round then were paired off for round three and as were the losers. The overall winner was decided based on their tournament score (a numerical representation of minor or major wins or loses) with ties between tournament scores being decided by the total number of victory points earned over the whole tournament.

I have never seen an elimination tournament done but if it was all local players and the games were short enough I could see it working too. It depends on what your players want to get out of it. If you think people would like to lose in the first round and then watch the other games elimination could work. If not, then I would advise against it.

As for scenarios, I think the ones it the book are pretty good. Just choose however many you need depending on the round number and keep the objectives varied. A board control (Domination), a brawler (contest by moonlight), and a contest between heroes (contest of champions) should do for a three round tournament.

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