The One Ring

Rivendell vs Isengard
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Author:  knight of edoras [ Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Rivendell vs Isengard

We are getting out and playing SBG the local GW trying to spread interest.

Author:  Wah Wing [ Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rivendell vs Isengard

Nice report. I like the shorter videos so I don't have to spend a chunk of time to sit and watch the whole thing. Great job.

Author:  Dikey [ Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rivendell vs Isengard

The background noise made it harder to follow.
I like this video (I always like seeing elves getting wiped out, it's cathartic) and I see you were playing by pre-hobbit rules. Just one thing: who was the other elf hero? One was Elrond, but I couldn't catch the name of the other.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rivendell vs Isengard

No offense but how many games has the Rivendell player played before? Nothing done in deployment or the first turn was correct. Burned all Gil Galads might in one turn?? Lost combat still?

Elrond waste a nature's wrath for like what 6-7 guys?

Deploy elf Bows with no cover against uruk x Bows with cover in larger numbers?

Charge in with Knights of R when you have 100% Bows?

The game was over before the first turn priority was rolled.

I like seeing elves smashed though.

I also like the quickness of the reports but you can make them a little longer. I'd like to see at least like ten seconds of what happened after move phase before shooting n combat.

Author:  Galanur [ Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rivendell vs Isengard

yea the elves being outnumbered could had played a bit more tool on those uruks.

Also keep in mind models can jump over probe models like a jumping test and attack the back line if there is room for it.

Always wondered why being so hasty to send the elves to die to uruks.... you could had thin the lines a bit or send elrond to charge 1st..... that seemed a very noobish strategy from an elven guy whos prob more used to play goblin horde and throw 60 into the fray like watever... elves aint that style of play :P
A very big mistake was made when you decised not to send elrond right of the bat to support the knights in the 1st charge and instead he stayed behind cowering.
If this extreme case I would had send elrond 1" from the enemy line, cast natureĀ“s wrath then charge, this would allow your elven knights to attack already pinned down models with pinned down spear/pike support, they wont kill you cause they are pinned. You shouldnt had been affraid even cast a channelled natureĀ“s wrath, any 5s o nthe orcs and 6s on the uruks would mean a dead guy and since they were so compacted, would be so easily for you to kill at least 5/6 in all that mess, if not more...

Also evidence shows he isnt much on playing elves as he forgot at least 1/3 of their rules, elrond took a wound didnt pass his 1st had to use the 2nd (do you know he got the ring that allows you to re.roll fate rolls right?)

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