The One Ring

Dezartfox and Amy's Battle Reports
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Author:  Dezartfox [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Dezartfox and Amy's Battle Reports

Last week I built me and Amy a board for us to play on rather than just my coffee table :) None of it's painted yet but we have a few pieces of scenery and some trees. Nothing fancy but hope to improve on it soon!

We played a points match of The Hobbit SBG last night, 600 pts.
She had Azog, Fimbul, 12 Hunter Orcs and 12 Wargs. I had Dain, Balin and Gimli, 16 Khazad Guard and 8 Iron Guard (none of my Hobbit armies are ready yet so had to use a LOTR force)

It started off bad for the dwarves losing four Khazads early game, then Azog mashed Gimli into a small hairy pulp. This made the Dwarves very angry and they proceeded to smush most of the orcs and wargs in a few turns causing the army to break and run away. The final fight was Azog against a lot of Iron Guard and Balin who managed to slay the white Orc.








Author:  Glory4gondor [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dezartfox and Amy's Battle Reports

Yeah I just recently got Dain and Balin they are beasts. Nice report liking the theme.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dezartfox and Amy's Battle Reports

First off I envy for having a gaming table.
Secondly I envy you much for having a lady to play against. Not enough females in the hobby (I am talking about all miniatures/wargaming area generally not just the Middle-earth department).
And by the sounds of it, she managed to make it tough enough for you. Well done both of you! Next time, switch sides and see how it feels, to use Basil Liddell-Hart's phrase, 'On the Other Side of the Hill'.

Author:  Dezartfox [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dezartfox and Amy's Battle Reports

I think the only thing that saved me was the scenery that I made a dwarf wall between which meant less riders and wargs could hang up on me.

We're playing another game later I think :) need to get the board painted soon!

Author:  Dezartfox [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dezartfox and Amy's Battle Reports

Tonight we played the "Rescue" mission from the Mirkwood scenarios with a few twists. Amy used 20 Mirkwood elves, Legolas, Tauriel and Radagast on Sleigh. I had Spider Queen and 17 Mirkwood spiders (Was using my giant spider conversions, so the bases were a little smaller).

We decided that the elven force had decided to venture out from their tree castle to remove the nest of spiders by neutralizing the Queen. The Spider Queen sensed the threat and called back her broodlings (the reinforcements).



So turn one, because of my tiny board, radgast cast channelled terrifying aura and charged into an unsuspecting spider, Sebastian killing him on double sixes...

Elven shooting was pretty terrible with them only causing a few wounds.
But Legolas shot the spider queen and wounded her with his auto hit.. 1 VP to the elves!

Turn two saw Radgast try to Immobilize the Spider Queen who resisted but was still charged and slaughtered by radagast and the hedgehog....

There were lots of casualties on both sides, bits of spiders and elves littered the woods.

Turn three saw the Spiders broken with the Elves 2 models away from being broken.

By turn four there were no spiders left, they either ran off or were killed by the Elves. 3 VP's and a win to the Elves!

Spiders caught the elves very quickly with the small board size, but the elves caused horrific casualties on them in combat, their numbers and higher fight helping to win fights. When the spiders did win though an elf always died.

Radagast is very nasty on Sleigh! 5 attacks and Sebastian attack on the charge.. knock the opponent down and its then 12 attacks in total... channeled terrifying aura stops him being counter charged too. Immobilise tougher opponents and renew to heal his wounds.

Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dezartfox and Amy's Battle Reports

Your spiders are painted beautifully. Too bad that most of the miniatures were unpainted for this report. Where did you get your generic spiders?

Author:  Amy [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dezartfox and Amy's Battle Reports

Sticky Fingersss wrote:
Your spiders are painted beautifully. Too bad that most of the miniatures were unpainted for this report. Where did you get your generic spiders?

I know, I don't like playing with un-painted minis either. Think Tim or I will work on painting the elves next! :)

Author:  Dezartfox [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dezartfox and Amy's Battle Reports

Thanks! They're very simple and a weird purple and green scheme as they were just a mess around force for the store club. They're the goblin spider rider spiders. They used to come in the old fantasy starter set meaning you can get them dirt cheap off eBay etc. I have tonnes of the things haha, I slice the legs up and repose them to stop them being "rectangular"

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