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 Post subject: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:41 pm 
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Well chaps and chappettes, these battles in "Middle-Earth Manchester" are coming thick and fast and once again, the need to keep One Ringers up to date with this fledgling SBG community, lures me back to battle-ground battle report!

However, I MUST RESIST THE URGE TO WRITE A FULL REPORT! This really will be a summary, but I hope it provides an interesting insight into what's going on in this little dark corner of this wonderful international community we have! Why can this only be a summary this time? You're about to find out!

Working 9 till 5!

Any Dolly Parton fans here? Well, I'm pretty sure her classic '9 til 5' was referring to 9am till 5pm, you know, the average persons daily slog.

Want to see commitment and enthusiasm to this hobby? Come no further than the scout hut in the middle of a dark, rain battered park in South Manchester, where four bright eyed would be commanders slogged it out from 9pm until 5am in the morning until a winner emerged victorious!

All of us had been working all day and certainly put another shift in last night.

The Battle

The reason we were so late last night, well, as well as a certain someone's tictacs, was that we decided to be bold and got for 2 vs 2 doubles, with each player bring 500pts to the 6 x 4 battle ground.

We rolled sides, the result being the following.

Knighty (Mark) Hobbits + Hashut (Pete) Dwarves


Thermo (James) Rohan + Ste with Feifdoms

I won't attempt army lists and will let the fellas take care of this! If, by the way, you are prefer pictures to these reports, Hashut will be uploading shortly!

The scenario today would be TO THE DEATH - 1 point for keeping banner alive, 3 for breaking enemy, points per wound off enemy leader, game would end when one side reached 25%

Ste and I would select King of the Dead to be our leader, with his high defence, fate, wounds etc and our enemy went for mighty Dain.

Frodo counted as a banner for their army and Angbor had a similiar rule.

It was simply quite stunning the huge huge number of hobbits on the table, in total their army was something like 72 models, breaking at 36!

Clearly, we were outnumbered! I can't remember how many models we had in total, I'm sure one of the guys will help me out there.

As Ste and I faced the battlefield, Angbor's Clansmen warband started centre left, 2 RotN (brought in to fill points gap left by no sons of eorl in the mounted rohan force) were right of this, one in a shooting position behind a wall and another further right in a shooting position behind some trees. Erkenbrand and Eomer's cavalry warbands deployed in the centre right at the back so we could suss out where he would deploy his bows before deciding their course of action. On our right, Forlong lead his axemen and King of the Dead (who would be referred to as The Witch-King at EVERY SINGLE opportunity during the battle!)

Our enemy deployed most of his hobbits his centre right, whilst dain's warband deployed behind a wall in the centre, supported by 2 x RotN and some more hobbits. Dwarf rangers and their captain were far out on his left, whilst Balin and shielded Dwarves deployed in a protective screen in front of the hobbits on his right.

Our basic starting strategy. Stay relatively timid on the left and invite him on under bow fire before countering, keeping the cavalry out of range of all his bows, picking them off in turn. Pot shots at softish targets with RotN. Protect Witch-King but overwhelm the right flank held by his rangers, removing the dwarven bows, then shoot, forcing them to move forwards, counter and overwhelm, getting the wound on Dain but then focusing on softer hobbits to break the enemy.

All well and good, but Hashut's Dwarven Rangers performed outstandingly on the right, really holding up our efforts on the right flank and killing a disproportionate amount of forces, particularly axemen. I moved Erkenbrand's cav warband up to support but slowly for shooting. Slowly his Dwarven rangers were ground down, one hard dude remaining for much of the game but they received little support from Dain's warband at the wall until much later in the game. Ste flirted with taking Angbor forward into the Hobbits but I tried to pursuade him to be patient, since Eomer was moving around to support.

We used Eomer's warband to pick off hobbit archers so they were out of range of one or two at a time, to keep them protected.

The hobbits on the enemy right moved forward slowly under the cover of Gimli's high defence dwarves giving them a degree of cover.

Models down on both sides, we pressed on and it was already approaching midnight. Ste's feifdoms on our right had just about finished off the dwarven rangers bar one (for some cost!) and had started to square off across the field from Dain's warband and hobbits that had stayed behind the wall in the centre.

I had moved Erkenbrand, his bodyguard and more cavalry much further up the board on the rightso we could now turn and make a new front on the enemy.

Meanwhile, on our far left, Angbor and co had retreated back on top of a rocky outcrop in the face of advancing Gimli and scores of hobbits. Eomer had led his horsemen much more advanced on that left flank but (merry or pippin) on pony and the dwarves with shields, as well as maggots dogs moved to cut them off.

The dogs were all killed with throwing spears, gimli charged a single rider only to be counter charged by another as well as a couple of Clansmen and Eomer's cavalry began their charge on the advancing dwarves.

Around this time (after midnight) Ste had to shoot, leaving me to take on the wit and guile of my experienced foes. Ste would not be getting in the same trouble with his better half than I would be!

At this point, taking the right had been expensive but the position wrestled and it was touch and go now in combat on the left. With so few models in total in comparison, I'd say chances for the Rohan/Feifdom alliance looked rather bleak already.

Gimli had won his combat and advanced with others towards the cavalry who were mobbing the dwarves. There were casualties both sides but eventually, the dwarves with shields were bettered and my diminished riders got themselves out of dodge and started aiming to the rear of the board. The hobbits were staying relatively static facing off against the clansmen on the hill and only 3 dwarves with shields were advancing beyond the lines into Angbor warband, who had been the subject of hobbit archers (which had allowed my riders to pick them off in turn without retaliation)

Finally, Dain started advancing after the witch-king (Hashut's got me doing it now... KING OF THE DEAD!!!) who although retreating to allow Erkenbrand to envelope and thus threaten the centre hobbits on their lonesome, was running out of room. I had models on either flank of this advancing force, which had been peppered with bow fire throughout the game, although an advancing Sam on pony, RotN and the dwarven ranger soon took care of that, as did more dwarves winning their fights on the flank against charging riders.

Having split the KotD warband so some moved out to face the left of dain's warband, the Witch-King's guys became isolated and the counter on the flank too late. Conscious of the objectives, I had already begun moving the remaining riders that were with eomer originally on the left flank, up the top of the board with the sole mission of killing the enemy leader Dain. With everything that the enemy had on the left flank so far away with such little movement, all that became important were pot shots at soft targets from my RotN and after some skirmishes between Angbor's clansmen and the hobbits, they started to also move to the right, conscious of the objective and protecting Angbor (our banner). Gimli gave chase.

About this time I was broken and would have to start rolling courage! Erkenbrand's horn was proving incredibly useful... apart from himself who I would roll last for, burning a might on two occasions just to stick around. But the enemy was also close to breaking, and with the KotD and Forlong running from Dain and an Iron Guard, it gave me time to break him too, Erky and his blokes charging and decimating hobbits in the centre, more hobbits being picked off by my Ranger of the North and with those that had split from Forlong and KotD moving back across. Forlong was using might to heroic march away from Dain and iron guards throwing spears... just before Eomer and his remaining chaps to arrive just in time and counter, killing the guard and suddenly the chase was reversed!

If the game had ended there and then, we were on 4 each. So long as I could keep the KotD out of the way, which looked very possible now and Angbor's fleeing warband didn't fail courage (unlikely with Erky's horn) I had worked my way to a point where a draw might be the very worst scenario for me.

With the hobbits smashed, the remaining cavalry came around, smashing Sam on his pony, the hardy ranger who had out performed himself and eventually overwhelming his ranger of the north too. With some shooting also taking out remaining models, Dain had to try and survive on his own.

All his might, a fate and many dead foes later, Dain fought on, surrounded and trapped. His high fight was winning him the contest, against axemen, several WotD, riders of rohan, eomer and erkenbrand. His greatest move, slaying Erkenbrand, who had burnt all in the end and removing the horn that had been keeping me in the game! Some units fled, but a herioc strike against the mightless Dain from Eomer finally won us a fight and with his fate gone, mission was accomplished and Dain took a wound!

Only a model from the game being over, it would benefit me for the game to end now, and with models running, it came. However, the one last chance of grabbing the draw back would Angbor fleeing and losing the point for the banner... no horn of the hammerhand we watched on and rolled... AND PASSED!

The game was over! The casualty count on both sides was beyond ridiculous but the day had been won by the Rohan and Feifdom alliance.

I shook hands with my opponents and another fantastic night of gaming with some great guys finally came to a close... 8 hours later!

It was 5am when we packed away and after giving Knighty a lift home, I got back in at 6.30am... my girlfriend was not happy!

Was it worth the wrath? Definitely! Great effort guys, looking forward to next time!

What will I learn from the game? We will limit all matches at 500pts per side in future!! It was another example too of being focused on the objectives and although it was pretty scabby by myself, I did do everything I could to get in that position to wound an isolated Dain.

So plan just just about worked, but it was a close call!

The beginners streak continues!

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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:53 pm 
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Sounds like you had a good laugh :rofl: I really like your reporting style 8)

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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:43 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I don't understand how you made it to 5am, but good job :)

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance
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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:27 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Great report, Thermo! Sounds like a great night, hope your better half wasn't too fierce! :D

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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:29 pm 
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Great report and sounds like it was a fun battle.
Take the points down next time or just take friday off work to sleep!

Look forward to next thursday's battle report!

Keep it up!
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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:42 pm 
Elven Warrior
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You crazy Mo Fo's, lol I left at midnight and guessed youd be there till bout one maybe two... But FIVE!!!!!! LOL

A quick review of my part in the battle made me realise having Rohirrim as an ally is a great advantage but can also slow things down as you rightly pointed out in a previous report resisting the temptation to charge everything you see is the most advantagious way to use them, their "no bow limit" rule is awesome.

Rangers speak for themselves, although in the beginning of the game they didnt have much effect they contributed greatly by the end of the battle.

Clansmen I think I will use again but will have to find a good way to balance their very low defence wich makes them ideal targets for bowfire as I learnt very quickly... (hobbit archers aaarrrgh!!)

Axemen, cant really find a fault in them they done me proud and would use them as support without hesitation.

King and army of the dead..... Very usefull they were probably my most effective alongside the Axemen. I can see how using them against orcs goblins would have been better for me with the courage as defence rule, but it was good vs good as they are still a good unit in my opinion.

Hobbits have a sheer mountain of units on the battlefield at any one time and that can only be a good thing especially for bowfire. The great number makes breaking them a task not to be under estimated.

Dwarves, well Ive seen Hash's dwarves in action twice, and twice Ive been impressed especially with the heroes and defence values in particular.

Im still very wet behind the ears and thoroughly enjoying gaming with this bunch of guys. Gonna try a few different armies over the next few weeks and see which suit me best.

In reference to our numbers Thermo I think we had 50 units altogether.

The clansmen were a good worm on a hook in the outcrop to draw their central force to seperate allowing you to pick them off. (even tho knighty said they werent gonna move, lol)

All in all a great report yet again mate shame I couldnt see it out but theres no way on this planet my Mrs would have let me back in if I strolled up at 5am , lol
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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:54 pm 
Elven Elder
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8 hours?! I can complete a 10k point mega battle in 8 hours.

The official time limit for 1000pt games is 2.5 hours and that is usually far too much time.

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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:21 pm 
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It take us 3 hours or so to do 500pts.
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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:33 pm 
Elven Elder
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what...3 hours to do 500pts? I can have a game over in an hour, maybe 1.5 hours tops. Why does it take so long?

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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:14 pm 
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SouthernDunedain wrote:
what...3 hours to do 500pts? I can have a game over in an hour, maybe 1.5 hours tops. Why does it take so long?

Maybe it's called fun?
Also, one of my opponents always uruks in phalanxes, so they take ages to move anywhere.
Sometimes 45 mins or so to set up because of this
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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:15 pm 
Elven Elder
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my opponent uses phalanxes at 1000pts and we dont take 3 hours and we have plenty of fun.

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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:07 pm 
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Phalanxes speed up movement compared to skirmish formations. You can just move the whole front line of the phalanxe up, and then not even bother measuring for the other two rows and push them up behind the front row. 8)

And yes, 8 hours is a very long time for a 1,000 point game.
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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:20 pm 
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But turning a corner is a nightmare.
also still getting used to new weapon + monster special strikes, so takes time to look those up. Also magical powers.
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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:28 pm 
Elven Warrior
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A really well written report Thermo :yay: sounds like everyone had a really good time! 8)

Poor old Dain though... :( (And Farmer Maggot's Doggies - curse you Rohirrim! :P)

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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:38 pm 
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SouthernDunedain (edit: & other guys!): mind keeping it vaguely on-topic for us, please? Thanks :D

Couple of things to note - the first is that all mentions of Dain are actually Balin. The second is: despite knowing who it was, for some reason, I had real difficulty not calling the King of the Dead the Witch-king. I lame the horrid cold I had and the fact I was progressively finding it harder to breathe, lol. I'll try to get some pictures up in a bit, but will only pick ones that make sense or have some explanation.

The manlings had 50 models, breaking at 25 and ending at 12 or less. KnightyKnight and I had 77 models, breaking at 39 and ending at 19 or less.

My list was Balin (/Durin's Axe of course!), Gimli, Captain (w/shield), 7 Dwarf rangers (w/Dwarf Longbows), 2 Iron Guard, Vault Warden Team, 15 Dwarf Warriors (w/shields).
KnightyKnight's was the 4 film Hobbits on ponies, Paladin, Fredegar, Maggot (w/hounds) and 46 hobbits with bows/axes/sticks (one with a horn) and 2 Rangers of the North.

On our left flank, my rangers (and bowless captain!) were taking shots at the King of the Dead at EVERY opportunity that was believable they may get him. Until the axemen of Lossarnach got up in my grill, then I was sniping them down (even moving back once to get an extra turn of useless shooting). This hardy little force killed about 10 models before succumbing themselves, the captain I think even wounded Forlong the Fat. But one Dwarf Ranger survived until about 4 or 5 turns before game over (which, in retrospect, is approximately 50 turns, lol). He even survived a round of combat with Erkenbrand and a Warrior of Rohan, before being felled by them the next turn. I did keep forgetting he was there and then remembering at the last second to take potshots. This guy genuinely accounted for about a dozen kills by the end of the game, maybe more. He also claimed the first blood. I've marked him out for an upgrade of some kind...

During the course of the battle, I was focusing on doing a wound to the King of the Dead and letting KnightyKnight use my shield-dwarfs as a movable wall to defend his archers, whilst trying to take out Angbor the Fearless (later on, when we found out he counted as a banner - I had a fuzzy head and KnightyKnight was too obsessed with throwing stones: particularly at Gimli... Not in the game though, lol). Also, it should be noted, it's now Angbor the Scared and wears a skirt. He ran away most of the 5 hours Ste was gone! admittedly, Gimli was slowly giving chase, throwing axes at whatever he could (Balin and an Iron Guard chasing the King of the dead with axes thrown everywhere as well).
My other focus (and major one), was trying to learn the special weapon strikes: swords/daggers was very useful for my Dwarf Rangers (archers with sculpted cloaks, thusly have swords in scabbards) at least for learning purposes. Axes were largely not going to help me due to being outnumbered and losing fights etc, apart from against the Army of The Dead where they had no downside, but made it SO much easy to kill them. Was fun to use Balin, with Durin's Axe, using the axe-striking rules against the Army of the Dead as well.

By the end of the game, Balin was on his own against the majority of the opposing forces (Angbor and some clansmen headed is way as well), with a lone Dwarf heading towards him and in the last two turns, a horde of hobbits Heroic Marching (another rule learnt, as was a quick question of Heroic accuracy [never used] and Heroic Strike [I didn't use, but was unfortunate that the game was cost due to its use - more in a second!] and clarification of Heroic Fight [which I don't think we used]) to aid him. But Balin was still felling models everywhere - I was either getting 6s to win combat or using Durin's Axe's re-roll ability to win (either matching and going to Fight values a couple of times or outright rolling higher - usually with a 6): my hope was that I could create a big enough gap to get to the King of the Dead and charge him to wound him, but it wasn't to be :D

The thing is, at first, we thought Balin hadn't been wounded at all (I rolled two Fate rolls and passed both when he took wounds), but I wanted to quickly check as I had a feeling his profile had a difference to Gimli's - sure enough, he only has 1 point of Fate and 3 Will (most annoying for your leader!). he wouldn't have even BEEN struck if it weren't for a timely, post-fight roll (we're friendly guys and lenient about stuff like this - it was a reminder of a rule we weren't used to and Thermo had missed out on before), use of Heroic Strike (upping Eomer's fight to 9, besting my 6)!

Regardless, great game (even if my being nder the weather didn't show it too much) and can't wait for next week! We may even see some WotR games starting soon, who knows?

additional note: Battle of Furry Feet and Fuzzy faces! (Just for you KnightyKnight.)
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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:40 pm 
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How to make 1000pts last 8 hours? Trying not to lose and hoping to snatch victory when using these skirmishy Rohirrim :o Game looked like it would be over by 1am, maybe 4 hours of play with a victory for Hobbits and Dwarves (I'm sure my team mate Ste will agree!)

The extra 4 hours is what it took to avoid that defeat and hunt down the extra victory point before 25% was reached. Tiring stuff :shock:

Taking into consideration that our opponents had 77 models, by the time I was down to 25% (12 models out of 50) our numerous enemy was only 2 or 3 from 25% himself having killed 54/55! So it really was a long old slog, sorry fellas!

But another great night with some top one ringers, all patient and enthusiastic as always and I'm looking forward to the pictures... and next week! No more than 500pts vs 500pts if I want a girlfriend on Friday!!

Not keen on WotR yet, but you guys are free to play it! Will continue learning sbg for some time to come me'thinks :)

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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:09 am 
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Argh, keep forgetting to upload these and not online much longer right now. Drop me a text as a reminder later. Again, they'll be very out of context, but oh well ;P

Thermo: aye, stick to SBG for a little longer, best to get into the swing of one a little more first before starting the other. However, both of your armies are built in such a way that you'd have a decent starting force (if very small in points) for WotR and it's great for using all your models, without the game lasting hundreds of hours :D a 1k SBG game is equivalent to about 300-500pts of WotR and a 300-500pts WotR game lasts about as long as a 150-200pt game of SBG.
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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:37 pm 
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Congratulations on having the most original Subject title in O-R history! I love it. Great report and lots of funny stuff going on and, after, it's the enjoyment that counts, not the winning.
And there is the option of finding some talented woman out there who can play SBG or WoTR. Best of luck!

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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:11 am 
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Dorthonion wrote:
Congratulations on having the most original Subject title in O-R history! I love it. Great report and lots of funny stuff going on and, after, it's the enjoyment that counts, not the winning.
And there is the option of finding some talented woman out there who can play SBG or WoTR. Best of luck!

Haha thanks Dorthonion! Glad you enjoyed it :)

All was forgiven in the end, although I won't be risking the wrath next time! 1am curfew for certain!!

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 Post subject: Re: The battle of "How to lose your girlfriend in 8 hours"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:26 pm 
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Pictures at last ;P Only a fortnight late!

The combatants:

Dwarf army:

Hobbit army:

Fiefdoms army:

Rohan army:

Good dead (Note the heroic Ranger is stood alone for upgrade purposes ;P ):

Mannish dead:

Good survivors that were off to save Balin:
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