First off, the terrain used in the pictures is not mine, nor GW's, it is owned by one of the Chicago area LoTR players. Its probably the best stuff ever made for this game, and is a ton of fun to play on!
Battle For The Two Towers (1500 pts per side)
Good: My Dwarves, three Gondor armies, Grey Company.
Evil: Orcs, Orcs w/Barrow whight, Morannon orcs, Uruk-hai, Easterlings.
Objective: Two towers, in the north and south sections of the city, need to be taken if progress is to be made by either the orcs or the Army of the west for the re-taking of Osgiliath. Whomever controls both towers at the end of the game wins.
When captured, towers count as 'Fury' spells, and also a 12" banner.
Dense cityscape.
Part I
First turn: Good Priority: Me and my Gondor buddy rushed everything out of our deployment zones to try to ascend the battlements of the tower before the orcs could get there. The other Gondor and GreyCo advanced on their respective tower. Evil move was basically the same as ours. No shooting or combat for either side.
The dwarves and men break cover and run for the battlements.
Orcs advance on the objective.
Second turn: Evil Priority: Orcs began climing the western face of the tower, two falling to their deaths. Uruks and Easterlings advance on the right side of the tower, avoiding the GreyCo archers. Good move, My Dwarves and Gondor friend ascend our face of the tower, the brave warriors of good never once falling or slipping as they climbed. GreyCo re-ajusts to meet the new threat, Other Gondor moves into a defensive position to allow some troops into the north tower. Shooting Phase yielded no kills for the hapless orcs, but legolas fells two archers as they crest the western stairs. No combat.
Third Turn: Evil Priority: Orcs now scramble up the western face of the tower, three more falling to their deaths. Uruk-hai and Easterlings both clash with the Gondor defenders, Good move, Dwarves move in to the courtyard and further climb the east wall face. GreyCo advances, and three Warriors of the Dead start climbing up the stairs of the north tower. My Gondor friend is 4" away from the Objective, and my dwarves will be on the walkway next turn. Shooting phase, orc archers again fail to find marks in the gleaming armor of the dwarves, and the Iron guard return fire with a flurry of remorseless throwing axes. Three orc archers fall and Legolas picks off the Orcs ascending the tower. Combat, Other Gondor is beaten badly at the hands of the Uruk-hai, but manage to kill their troll. Easterlings don't fare as well, the front rank decemated by previous archery fire.
Part II coming soon... but here are more pictures.