The One Ring

Can I link to your articles, please?
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Author:  southdunedain [ Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Can I link to your articles, please?

I know that this may sound strange, but can I have permission to post links to the articles on this site?

You see, I'm running the Ringgame campaign on this site called, oddly enough, Ringgame, and as part of it want to provide articles that are connected with our weekly bonus areas - Rivendell this week, Moria (so articles about Gobbos and Dwarves) next And being a new site, we're a bit short...

Is that OK with the authors and staff???



Author:  Peregrin Took [ Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

You don't need anyone's permission to post links.

Author:  Oldie [ Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Whilst there is no actual means of policing the linking to "articles" - I tend to have the opinion that it is indeed a common courtesy to get the permission of the owners before doing so

I know that if I owned and paid for a site specifically for the benefit of members - I would feel somewhat angry IF links were posted on other sites that resulted in an enormous increase in downloads that I end up having to pay for

To southdunedain - I would strongly suggest that you address this question to Dagorlad by PM - he is the one that ultimately has to pay the bills

Author:  Dagorlad [ Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Thank you for asking Southdunedain. That is very polite and shows a real degree of courtesy that warms an old man's heart (except Oldie's, since his was surgically removed years ago).

Getting good quality content is very difficult on any website, but gets easier as the site grows and more members gather to share their knowledge. Here. we started with a nucleus of myself, DurinsBane, TheBucklandBrewer, Keyser Soze and a few others writing the articles and gradually we've had new authors come along and add to the library. We now have over 100 top quality articles written in a little over a year, by around 30 different people. Its taken a lot of effort by a large number of people to turn our Article Library into the best LOTR one on the web.[/shameless self-promotion]

While I am happy to have a link on your site to the One Ring (and vice-versa), I am not too keen on having links to individual articles. The authors have chosen to submit their work here and have it included as a part of our community's reference library.

Mind you, we don't require people to submit their articles here exclusively - if an author wants to submit their work elsewhere, that's fine with us.

And its best not to get me started on bandwidth usage...

Author:  Gothmog Rulez! [ Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

It looks like a good site but the bandwith does get used up, if the site grows and authors from this site decide to go there then you could also ask if they want to post their article from here :roll: Bit crazy

Author:  southdunedain [ Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK, thanks...but to be honest, we've got so few members (22 last count, about half active) that I don't really think we'll have that much affect on usage...


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