The One Ring

minas tirith is not completed
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Author:  for_the_eye [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  minas tirith is not completed

:( i think that they should hurry up and finish the minas tirith. i know that it takes a long time but that article has been up there for accouple months and i dont think it should take tis long. :(

Author:  Simonjedi [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

you are refering to this article right? ... 1cd1252db0

normally in a perfect world it would be, but real life must always come first which is annoying.

also building MT at that size and in that detail takes ages especially if you write an article on it with WIP pics and stuff.

checking his profile count and when he last posted (in march 2006) he isn't a very active member

Author:  Dagorlad [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yep, its frustrating isn't it? Normally, when a member submits 'part 1' of an article, we will not upload it until we have some confidence that 'part 2' is coming and will be uploaded soon after.

Cayoz seemed to be working well on the project, but we've heard nothing more from him at all since this article was uploaded.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Jun 16, 2006 11:08 am ]
Post subject: 

@for_the_eye: I am working on something similar; maybe if you consider that creating the White City involves planning and constructing a complex miniature over 2 metres across and well over a metre tall to have something fully playable.. that translates into something like 200+ normal sized terrain projects, and ignores the difficulties and compromises that have to be made. There are not anywhere near sufficient images of the cinema model, and while the DVD can reveal a lot, it is incredibly annoying how the corner that you need to see is hidden just behind another building or a passing fellbeast. I am still drawing plans and elevations of critical components for levels 2-6 and fabrication of major new components will not start until later this year, though I have been researching and gathering and testing materials.
The complexity of these parts of the city was one reason for starting with the First Wall (it's also more useful in gaming terms). I also have to make the streets for the first level, though some of our other members (and Dagorlad) have given a lot of valuable information that will be incorporated into the project. I cannot work on it more than a few hours per week and I imagine Cayoz is in a similar position. If it were quick and simple, it would be no challenge and look crude; I want better than that, so I must be patient. You can always give it a go yourself, if you do not wish to wait for us, and the very best of luck!

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