The One Ring

[*] A Meeting of Old Friends - by DurinsBane
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Author:  Chineselegolas [ Mon Nov 21, 2005 12:54 am ]
Post subject: 

/me turns around and crys at the pure beauty

This model... it is beyond words...

Author:  Timo the Cimmerian [ Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think 40 replies isn't a enough for a piece of work of such ridiculously high quality, so I'll put my own two penneth in. This diorama truly captures the essence of the first movie when I was amazed that the book I loved was brought to life by a genius film maker. Now a piece of that film has been immortalised in 25mm form by one of the best artists in this hobby....Enough gushing - I'm speechless :shock:

Author:  menace [ Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:08 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm heart set on making something but when i see this standard i wonder why bother! Truely great and the article makes it seem attainable :?

Your attention to accuracy and portrayal are outstanding, i'm inspired....

Do i recognise that cigarette packet from somewhere :lol:

Author:  DurinsBane [ Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Do i recognise that cigarette packet from somewhere

You had to mention the cigarette packet didn't you ! (for those of you who dont know, I did a trade with Dennis, and sent the miniatures in an empty cigarette packet, as I had nothing else handy).

How dare you mention my vices, you may as well tell them about the alchohol, the drugs, the sex and the women !

Okay, the first two are true, the third I simply can not stand in any shape or form, and the latter two are just wishful thinking :(

On a serious note Dennis...I think a diorama finished of with some of your wonderfully painted miniatures would beat anything I could do hands down...GO FOR IT !!!

Author:  hobbit_homebrew [ Wed May 16, 2007 9:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

[22:35] <@DurinsBane> If youve read my articles...why haven't you commented :(
[22:35] <@DurinsBane> it does wonders for my big headedness

ok mate great work there it looks great, i love everything about it, fantastic superb perfect, is that enough for your big headedness? lol
seriously though very nice piece :D

Author:  Amalia [ Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Amazing

That's awesome! It's really a shame that you didn't print out a sign at the door written with the actual bilbo handwriting (yes, you can download it from the internet, I have downloaded all LoTR possible fonts myself), and that you let the tree stand upstraight at the left side of the model, when it is actually quite distorted and stands at the right side, in the movie... Eh, I need to stop complaining! That was an excellent job, well done! :D

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