The One Ring

Misty Mountains New Rules
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Author:  Fishlegs [ Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Misty Mountains New Rules

Hey folks
I spotted this on TLA - all credit goes to Grashnarthesecond ... f=8&t=2552

Gather round, younglings, for once again I come to you with a sneak preview at the rules for this month's releases! In contradiction to the previous batch, I cannot deny the fact that these guys suffer from serious stat creep. Ho-hum. That's just my opinion though, you'll have to decide for yourselves.

Gundabad Blackshields (plus their Captains):
These guys are probably the single most overpowered unit in this batch. They're basically Goblinoid versions of Uruk-hai warriors. In fact, their statline is identical to armoured Isengard Uruks with shields save for the fact that they have standard Goblin fight values. Add Cave Dweller, and the fact that they're a mere two points more expensive than a Goblin with shield, and you know these guys will be getting a lot of attention. But wait, there's more! They also have a special rule that allows them to re-roll certain failed wound attempts at Dwarves or Elves!

Gundabad Shaman:
This guy is... interesting to say the least. He's identical to your regular Goblin Shaman except for the spells he casts. He doesn't have transfix or Fury, but a very limited, yet powerful version of Nature's Wrath. Basically, rather than an area of effect, you draw a line between the shaman and a certain distance on the battlefield. Anyone unlucky enough to be caught in said line, gets knocked to the ground AND receives a S6 hit to boot!
His second spell is even more devastating, though it is more subtle. If the target fails to resist, it loses all wargear and becomes unarmed for the remainder of the game.

Gundabad Drums:
Move over Moria drums, we won't be seeing you anymore. Ever. These guys have the same rules as the Moria Drums, except with the statline of the Gundabad warriors and the ability to move whilst drumming. In addition, if one of the drummers dies, a Gundabad Blackshield in base contact can take it's place. And to top it all off, they're a lot cheaper than the Moria Drums.

Cave Drake:
Well, first of all, he's cheap. Very cheap. Like Mordor Troll Drummer cheap. Except that he's better than a Troll. He's got Mordor Troll stats, but with one less FV and double the wounds. In addition, he gets a few standardized Dragon rules: Resistant to Magic, Terror, Draconic Charge. Which is nice, but the real fun starts with his special rules: He ignores difficult terrain, and if he ever loses a fight whilst trapped, every model in base contact with the Drake gets a S4 hit. Oh, and if he wins combat, he can either choose to attack normally OR he can make a single strike against a victim to eat it (read: instakill it).

Statwise, he's average. He can however spend a Will point once per turn to negate an enemy special rule. He also gains a single Will point whenever the good player kills a multi-wound model or hero, and this can take him above the starting level.

King's Champion:
For the point's cost of Imrahil, you receive not only the Champion but his two banner bearers. The banner bearers carry shields, hand axes and banners, so they also grant their banner bonuses. However, you're going to want to keep them close to the King's Champion, since he gains additional benefits from them, and they gain a benefit from him: as long as they are in base contact, the Champion and the banner bearers receive defense bonuses. The banner bearers also count as mini-heroes, having Fate points. The King's Champion actually benefits from this as well, as the fate points of the Banner Bearers can be used to roll for the King's Champion. The Champion himself is quite the combat beast, but it's the coöperation with the banner bearers that makes this model lethal.

The Blackshields are very disappointing, totally needless rules that seem rushed and un-thought-through (is that a real phrase?). I like the Drake and don't really care about the dwarves.

Author:  jscottbowman [ Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Misty Mountains New Rules

Just a couple of thoughts on the Blackshields...

I have heard the models are bigger than regular goblins, this may echo the greater stats line you discuss.
I don't really have a problem with this.

Going back to Tolkien, really "orc" and "goblin", seem pretty much synonymous; two words for the same things.
I think its just game mechanics and rules, that have us seeing goblins and orcs as differing "races" with differing stat lines. But they are just variants on the same theme. I guess a bit like differing breeds of dogs.

I am sure its quite possible for "goblins" of the North strongholds : Gundabad and Mount Gram, to actually be a larger orc variety, to the smaller "Moria goblins" as portrayed in the movie (but in the books I did note that big black Uruks were also seen amongst the moria goblins as the Fellowship passed through). It may even make more sense - I am sure I recall something my biology lessons of old, about the size of an animal and how much heat it loses per body surface are and thus how much it needs to eat to keep warm/active. I think larger creatures are more suited to colder climes as would be the case at the northern end of the Misty mountains.

Anyway, enough waffle from me, I am just gleefully awaiting delivery of these newly released ranges that I have pre-ordered :-)

But I am also going up and down a bit of an emotional roller coaster; first we get confirmation that the Hobbit movie is a go, then we hear, due to political shenanigans here in NZ it may get made elsewhere! ARRGGHHHH! If that happens then any sense of continuity will be blown away. It will also get the "Hollywood" treatment and end up being a shadow of what it could have been if made here in NZ with PJ et al.

Author:  Blue Dragon [ Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Misty Mountains New Rules

I actually heard on the radio today something about Ireland in regard to the Hobbit. Could be wrong though...

I don't have a problem with any of the new rules, based on what I've read here and on TLA, and when I get the chance to see the full rules for them, I'll be glad.

Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Misty Mountains New Rules

I don't mind the rules save the drum. All it does is render the other drum useless. THey should really take into consideration comparing it to other models.

Author:  General Elessar [ Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Misty Mountains New Rules

All, except perhaps the Shaman and Floi, seem ridicously overpowered, like most of the SBG rules for new models since WotR came out...

Author:  emperor_thompson [ Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Misty Mountains New Rules

Agreed. If a new model leaves an older model redundant (especially when that older model is a core troop), then there is something wrong.

Author:  gambit025 [ Fri Oct 22, 2010 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Misty Mountains New Rules

It's been a while since I've been on the OR, and it's changed! I've read what has happened though, so I'm all updated on that. Anyway, back on topic...

Gundabad Blackshields (plus their Captains):
These guys are probably the single most overpowered unit in this batch.

In my opinion Gundabad's Blackshields aren't that overpowered for their points. They are when compared with normal Goblin Warriors, but when compared with Prowlers (who are the same points with a shield, two-handed weapon or an Orc bow) I think the points are right. The Blackshields have strength 4, but the Prowlers have a fight value of 3. The Blackshields have defence 6 (with shields), but the Prowlers have throwing weapons. The Blackshields have their Special Rule, but so do the Prowlers (Backstabbers). So IMHO, the points add up correctly. That is, of coarse if Grashnarthesecond infomation is correct (and I'm sure it is, of coarse!).

I may be tempted to replace my Goblin Prowlers with Gundabad's Blackshields though, as they look like my kind of elites. I might try and convert the old metal Goblins into some of them, with some green stuff cloaks and the like. It might work... :roll:

Author:  Highlordell [ Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Misty Mountains New Rules

*Sigh* More overpowered things making core models useless. Ah well, its the only way GW make any money off the SBG now.

Author:  PowerofWill [ Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Misty Mountains New Rules

Pretty cool. I like most of the rules except for the shaman and drum for the same reasons stated in the posts above. The blackshields sound a bit over powered, but I don't really mind as I'm not big on the gaming side of the hobby at the moment. I was wondering, did GW release their SBG rules yet? I don't get the WD magazine, and I haven't heard much about the latest one. Thanks in advance!

Author:  Jamros [ Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Misty Mountains New Rules

I got my issue in the mail yesterday. Gosh, just the fact that that little 50 point cruddy looking Shaman has the power to destroy the likes of Anduril or Glamdring is a little disconcerting. And on a gosh darn 3+!

Couple of typos I noticed, not that they matter much, persay--under Floi, "for example, this could make prevent an enemy..."--no need for the make. Then, under the King's Champion, it states "For 100 points" rather than the previously listed points value.

Author:  gambit025 [ Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Misty Mountains New Rules

Jamros wrote:
Couple of typos I noticed, not that they matter much, persay--under Floi, "for example, this could make prevent an enemy..."--no need for the make. Then, under the King's Champion, it states "For 100 points" rather than the previously listed points value.

Also, why is Floi in the Khazad-dum list? Surely he should be in the Erebor list, as he was one of the Dwarves who accompanied Balin on his quest to reclaim Moria (and not alive when Durin VI lived and rules over the Dwarves, who were still in control of Khazad-dum). If the rules are correct then I've just went and bought Floi and this month's White Dwarf for the rules, only to find out that I can't field him in my Erebor army. :sad:

Author:  evilatmind [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Misty Mountains New Rules

the blackshields do look a bit overpowered compared to moria goblins and as i mostly play against my bro's goblins that looks bad
but i like floi, nice model with a decent rule to help him.
have just seen the price of the kings champion(£20) and decided i wont get it anyway so that doesn't bother me.

big thanks to grashnarthesecond for this :-D

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